Halo Multiplayer Maps - Stats (2024)

GameGame TypeReleaseDescriptionAnswer% Correct
Halo 4Multiplayer-Initial surveys of Erebus VII were promising and hopeful, but the events which followed tell a far darker story.Abandon


Halo 4Multiplayer-Now fully dedicated to supporting the war effort, this mining vessel once served the UNSC's colonization efforts.Adrift


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight in the close-quarters ONI interior.Alpha Site


Halo ReachMultiplayerNoble Map PackOrbital dockyards provide rapid refueling and repairs for a variety of UNSC vessels.Anchor 9


Halo 2Multiplayer-This relay station is part of a network that has kept Delta Halo functioning smoothly for untold centuries.Ascension


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic Map PackThe Covenant war machine continues its march to conquest; even with its head severed it is still dangerous.Assembly


Halo ReachMultiplayer (in Forge World)-This mysterious structure’s modern day purpose is a timeless and bloody testament to its sanctimonious past.Asylum


Halo 3MultiplayerLegendary Map PackFreezing winds scour blasted terrain, and ancient battle scars are a grim reminder that this is a precious prize.Avalanche


Halo 2 AnniversaryForge Canvas-During their investigation in this sector, ONI research patrols uncovered a great deal of insight into the Forerunner defense strategy.Awash


Halo 2MultiplayerMaptacular PackThere are strong indications that beneath the shroud of mist drowning this swamp on Delta Halo lies a powerful intelligence.Backwash


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackThe telemetry spires in these canyons help manage the Halo ring’s vast translocation grid.Battle Canyon


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Splash Splash, Bang Bang.Battle Creek


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for prime real estate on the shores of New Alexandria.Beachhead


Halo 2Multiplayer-These forgotten structures were once the site of many bitter battles but have since been reclaimed by nature.Beaver Creek


Halo 3MultiplayerLegendary Map PackBathed in frozen moonlight, this abandoned drilling platform is now a monument to human frailty.Blackout


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-The Quick and the Dead.Blood Gulch


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-Tactical operations conducted in this vast gulch train soldiers to withstand the bloody toll of protracted combat.Bloodline


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Ship-to-Ship Combat.Boarding Action


Halo ReachMultiplayer-New Alexandria's civilian concourses provide access to rapid transit and views of Reach's serene vistas.Boardwalk


Halo ReachMultiplayer-The once formidable Commonwealth awaits its final destination at one of the UNSC's ship breaking facilities.Boneyard


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackThe initial Covenant strike is over, but the fight for Mombasa has just begun.Breakneck


Halo ReachMultiplayerNoble Map PackONI officials believe the data buried within this artifact is key to our survival.Breakpoint


Halo 2Multiplayer-This makeshift Heretic camp on Basis is littered with wreckage from the destruction of Installation 04.Burial Mounds


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight in the infested underground.Chasm Ten


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Dude, you really need to...Chill Out


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Spartan Clone Training Complex.Chiron TL-34


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic II Map PackIn the heart of this Forerunner structure, far above the troubled surface of the Ark, another battle rages.Citadel


Halo 2Multiplayer-Recent excavations have failed to shed light on the true purpose of the outposts in this bloody gulch.Coagulation


Halo 3MultiplayerFree ReleaseDeep in the bowels of Installation 05 things have gotten a little out of hand. I hope you packed extra underwear.Cold Storage


Halo 2Multiplayer-Numerous scientific expeditions have failed to reveal what the Forerunners intended with all this damn gas.Colossus


Halo 4Multiplayer-Galileo's compartmentalized layout benefits protracted defensive stands in the unlikely event of an attack.Complex


Halo ReachMultiplayerDefiant Map PackThe final moments aboard Orbital Gamma Station, a human communications space station.Condemned


Halo 3Multiplayer-Vast quantities of water and other raw materials are consumed in creating even the smallest orbital installations.Construct


Halo 2MultiplayerBonus Map PackFighting for a patch of dirt abutting a wall containing a galaxy-devouring parasite may seem pointless to some, but ... um ....Containment


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for air superiority inside the belly of the beast.Corvette


Halo ReachMultiplayer-It was only a matter of time before even the most clandestine UNSC operations were thrust into the public eye.Countdown


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight to secure the fortified ONI plaza.Courtyard


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight in Dare's sunken crash-site.Crater


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Covenant Hydro-Processing Center.Damnation


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveDon't Look Down... Unless You Fall.Danger Canyon


Halo 4MultiplayerCastle Map PackAlthough it is currently being used as a military staging ground, this fertile world will one day be colonized.Daybreak


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveSand, Surf, and Spent Shells.Death Island


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Deep Space Anomaly #0198.Derelict


Halo 2MultiplayerBlastacular PackOnce a scientific outpost, this derelict Forerunner facility waits patiently to be reactivated.Desolation


Halo 2MultiplayerWindows VistaThe alleys of Old Mombasa were never kind to the unwary. On Covenant-controlled Earth, ramshackle homes prove ideal for ambush.District


Halo 3MultiplayerMCC ExclusiveThe remote frontier world of Partition has provided this ancient databank with the safety of seclusion.Edge


Halo 2MultiplayerMaptacular PackA well-placed bribe can speed a cargo ship through what are surely some of the longest inspections in the galaxy.Elongation


Halo 3Multiplayer-Some believe the Forerunner preferred desolate places. Others suggest that few other sites survived the Flood.Epitaph


Halo 4Forge Canvas-Sites like this allow researchers the ability to closely observe a world's inner workings prior to colonization.Erosion


Halo 2MultiplayerWindows VistaThis is just a small example of what you can do as a Halo 2 cartographer!Example


Halo 4Multiplayer-Stranded on a remote world, a handful of survivors managed to use their ship's debris to thrive long after the crash.Exile


Halo 4Forge CanvasForge IslandThe improbable islands known as the "Great Anvils" are easily one of the most remarkable features of Requiem.Forge Island


Halo ReachForge Canvas-A blank canvas recommended for Forge editing only.Forge World


Halo 2Multiplayer-Deep in Chicago Industrial Zone 08 lies the decommissioned Tactical Autonomous Robotic Defense System testing facility.Foundation


Halo 3MultiplayerHeroic Map PackAfter the orbital elevator fell, supply warehouses sending munitions to space were soon abandoned.Foundry


Halo 2MultiplayerMaptacular PackThis sanctuary now rings with the sound of combat - the end of the ancient duality of the Covenant is truly at hand.Gemini


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveScary, huh?Gephyrophobia


Halo 3MultiplayerLegendary Map PackThese fractured remains near Voi remind us that brave souls died here to buy our salvation.Ghost Town


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for salvation deep down in the underground caves.Glacier


Halo 3Multiplayer-Millennia of tending has produced trees as ancient as the Forerunner structures they have grown around.Guardian


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Tombstones for Everybody.Hang Em' High


Halo 4MultiplayerCrimson Map PackSimilar to those found on other agrarian worlds, the impressive tether network was used to ferry resources off-planet.Harvest


Halo 4Multiplayer-Resting high above Requiem’s surface, harmonic-resonance platforms appear to facilitate the monitoring and management of the shield world’s solar preservation system. These elaborate machines enable artificial planets to support their immense populations of indigenous life.Haven


Halo 2Multiplayer-Although during the day Section 14 monitors almost all harbor traffic, at night it's one of the city's most notorious hangouts.Headlong


Halo ReachMultiplayer (in Forge World)-Many call this curious gorge their grave, but early inhabitants left only these outposts behind in memoriam.Hemorrhage


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic II Map PackBecause of its speed and luxury the Pious Inquisitor has become an irresistible prize during these dark times.Heretic


Halo 3Multiplayer-A relic of older conflicts, this base was reactivated after the New Mombasa Slipspace Event.High Ground


Halo ReachMultiplayerDefiant Map PackA training facility located in the Highland Mountains, where Spartans are born.Highlands


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackDespite millennia of abandonment, transportation facilities like this one continue to function flawlessly.High Noon


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for your life in the UNSC ship graveyard.Holdout


Halo 3MultiplayerMCC ExclusiveDowntown Tyumen’s frigid and cloistered Precinct 13 offers an ideal context for urban combat training.Icebox


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveSlipping and Sliding.Ice Fields


Halo 4Forge Canvas-Collision craters rarely elicit the need for embedded teams, but the contents of this particular site demanded it.Impact


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveI imagined it would be bigger.Infinity


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryFirefightAnniversary Map PackFight for survival around mysterious Forerunner structures on Installation 04.Installation 04


Halo 3Multiplayer-Containment protocols are almost impervious to pre-Gravemind infestations. What could possibly go wrong?Isolation


Halo 2Multiplayer-Once home to the famous socialite Lance O'Donnell, the top floor of this building is now a public park.Ivory Tower


Halo 4MultiplayerMajestic Map PackTribute’s capital served as key battleground against the Covenant’s brutal assault of this system.Landfall


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight at the end of the road.Last Exit


Halo 3Multiplayer-Remote industrial sites like this one are routinely requisitioned and used as part of Spartan training exercises.Last Resort


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-As a prerequisite of the Conservation Measure, research platforms were restricted to the remote fringes for safety.Lockdown


Halo 2Multiplayer-Some believe this remote facility was once used to study the Flood. But few clues remain amidst the snow and ice.Lockout


Halo 4Multiplayer-The frigid climate and unique gravitational conditions of Concord’s northern polar region provide an optimal perch for Longbow Station’s channel-based mass drivers. Before the Covenant War, the UEG launched deep space monitoring relays from here in an effort to study far-flung star systems.Longbow


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-A long walk down a short hall...Longest


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic II Map PackAbandoned during the invasion of Earth, the Mombasa Quays are now bereft of commerce, but rife with danger.Longshore


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight in the dead center of the park.Lost Platoon


Halo 4Multiplayer-While most Forerunner technology appears to support safe usage over immense passages of time, the failure of specific systems can cause a cascading effect which dramatically impacts a site’s foundational composition. This frigid moon’s icy conditions once served to control a Forerunner reactor’s intense heat, but those days are now long gone.Meltdown


Halo 2Multiplayer-Don't let its luxury fool you - the Pious Inquisitor is one of the fastest ships in the Covenant fleet.Midship


Halo 4MultiplayerMajestic Map PackThis monument and many like it were built by the Forerunners after their final victory over the ancient humans.Monolith


Halo 3Multiplayer-Without cooling systems such as these, excess heat from the Ark's forges would render the construct uninhabitable.Narrows


Halo 2 AnniversaryForge Canvas-Despite the immense value of the find, the remote contact team charged with security of this site deemed it too dangerous to remain.Nebula


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic Map PackWith a lot of situational awareness, and a little luck, hopefully the only thing you will lose is your luggage.Orbital


Halo 4MultiplayerCastle Map PackDissident strongholds such as this one helped foment several anti-centralization movements.Outcast


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for survival amidst the smoldering ruins.Outpost


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for fertile ground on a deserted farmyard.Overlook


Halo ReachMultiplayer (in Forge World)-From on high this artifice appears to be an island paradise, but only under close scrutiny is its true purpose revealed.Paradiso


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackThe Covenant have harnessed the waters of this moon to refuel their massive supercarriers.Penance


Halo 4MultiplayerCastle Map PackCity-wide evacuation orders have confirmed that the unstable thermal reactor cannot be contained.Perdition


Halo ReachMultiplayer (in Forge World)-Even untold centuries of abandonment and neglect failed to stall the smooth operation of this ancient relay station.Pinnacle


Halo 4MultiplayerBullseye PackSome UNSC combat facilities have been integrated into the War Games due to their extraordinary tactical utility.Pitfall


Halo ReachMultiplayer-Hydroelectric plants like this one provide clean, sustainable energy for the inhabitants of Reach.Powerhouse


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Get on Top.Prisoner


Halo 4Multiplayer-Now integrated into the War Games simulation, this curiously hidden gorge was once the site of a Spartan deployment.Ragnarok


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight with your back against the wall.Rally Point


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Up the Ramps, Down the Tubes.Rat Race


Halo 3MultiplayerHeroic Map PackSnowmelt from Kilimanjaro feeds reservoirs every bit as vital as the fuel and ammunition stores.Rat's Nest


Halo 4Forge Canvas-Seismic scans indicate that these looming citadels only hint at the enormous structure which lies beneath.Ravine


Halo ReachMultiplayer-Reach's elite mix business with pleasure, building lavish penthouses atop soaring corporate ivory towers.Reflection


Halo 2MultiplayerMaptacular PackCovenant scripture dictates that structures of this type are memorials to Forerunners who fell in battle against the Flood.Relic


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayerMCC UpdateResembling other artifacts on Delta Halo, this enigmatic megalith became the site of comprehensive research by Lisbon pioneer groups.Remnant


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackOverlooking one of Halo’s impressive relay complexes, this idyllic cliffside once served as a UNSC staging area.Ridgeline


Halo 2MultiplayerKilltacular PackThough its original purpose has been lost to the march of aeons this structure is now a cemetery to countless brave warriors.Sanctuary


Halo 3MultiplayerMythic Map PackThis endless wasteland still holds many secrets. Some of them are held more deeply than others.Sandbox


Halo 3Multiplayer-Although the Brute occupiers have been driven from this ancient structure, they left plenty to remember them by.Sandtrap


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight in the wide-open ONI exterior.Security Zone


Halo 4MultiplayerCrimson Map PackExcessive volcanic activity may bring an end to the Materials Group's mining operation on Chi Ceti IV's moon.Shatter


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-Although now in disarray, ruins such as these have raised serious questions about the installation's former inhabitants.Shrine


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Red Blood, White Snow.Sidewinder


Halo 4MultiplayerMajestic Map PackThe rooftop terrain on this new space tether construction site is an ideal training environment for close-quarters infantry combat.Skyline


Halo 2 AnniversaryForge Canvas-Elevated relays utilize their own unified translocation system to allow safe and swift travel back to Installation 05's terrestrial surface.Skyward


Halo 3Multiplayer-Hostile conditions did not prevent the Covenant from seeking salvage on this buried Forerunner construct.Snowbound


Halo 4Multiplayer-According to data retrieved from these installations, Forerunner stellar engineers, colloquially dubbed 'plasma jockeys,' were capable of suspending perilous death of certain stars. Due to tremendous volumes of energy involved in this process, such endeavors were rarely entertained, much less executed.Solace


Halo: Combat Evolved AnniversaryMultiplayerAnniversary Map PackThe security spire’s damaged interior only hints at the terrifying power of its previous inhabitant.Solitary


Halo ReachMultiplayer-Shielding infantry from aerial assault, these massive spires force the Covenant’s foes to fight on deadly ground.Spire


Halo 3MultiplayerHeroic Map PackOnce, nearby telescopes listened for a message from the stars. Now, these silos contain our prepared response.Standoff


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-Dozens of wind power stations occupy the EAP's coastal territories, many of them abandoned and surrendered to obsolescence.Stonetown


Halo ReachMultiplayer-Before Winter Contingency was declared, ONI spooks kept themselves occupied in this remote installation.Sword Base


Halo ReachMultiplayerNoble Map PackThough we may never fully understand these devices, it is not our nature to leave ancient stones unturned.Tempest


Halo 2MultiplayerMaptacular PackThe CTMS made New Mombasa's rail system one of the safest on Earth; unfortunately it was one of the Covenant's first targets.Terminal


Halo ReachMultiplayer (in Forge World)-Analysis reveals that this structure once accommodated a wide variety of sentient species. To what end remains unknown.The Cage


Halo 3Multiplayer-Software simulations are held in contempt by the veteran instructors who run these training facilities.The Pit


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayerPC Multiplayer ExclusiveAn enemy behind every tree!Timberland


Halo 2MultiplayerBlastacular PackThe UNSC decommissioned this munitions testing complex after safety concerns came to light.Tombstone


Halo 2MultiplayerKilltacular PackThough they dominate on open terrain, many Scarabs have fallen victim to the narrow streets of Earth's cities.Turf


Halo ReachFirefightDefiant Map PackFight for survival amongst the remains of a deserted mining facility.Unearthed


Halo 2MultiplayerWindows VistaUnknowable energies seethe from this long-abandoned Forerunner spire, making it a vital prize for Covenant and Human forces.Uplift


Halo 3Multiplayer-The crew of V-398 barely survived their unplanned landing in this gorge...this curious gorge.Valhalla


Halo 4MultiplayerBullseye PackDue to its volatile weather conditions, isolated research centers sparsely populate this world's incredibly vast oceans.Vertigo


Halo 4Multiplayer-ONI personnel remain convinced that these ancient structures somehow harness the planet's torrential wind for power.Vortex


Halo 2MultiplayerBonus Map PackDespite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some stubbornly maintain that this structure was once a Forerunner arena.Warlock


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-This site pays homage to the Kradal conflict, a somber Forerunner civil war which saw the loss of countless warriors.Warlord


Halo 3MultiplayerMCC ExclusiveThe UNSC constructed many secret holdfasts during the final years of the Covenant War.Waterfall


Halo ReachFirefight-Fight for vital infrastructure that fuels the war effort.Waterfront


Halo 2Multiplayer-While the Forerunners excelled at mimicking natural beauty, the machinery in this cavern exemplifies their true genius.Waterworks


Halo 3: ODSTFirefight-Fight high above the city streets.Windward


Halo: Combat EvolvedMultiplayer-Round and Round and Round.Wizard


Halo 4MultiplayerCrimson Map PackOne of many attempts to contain the Flood, Line installations were designed to viciously force down any ships within range.Wreckage


Halo 2Multiplayer-Wind Power Station 7 sits as a mute reminder of the EAP's late 25th-century attempt at re-nationalization.Zanzibar


Halo ReachMultiplayer-Before Winter Contingency was declared, ONI spooks kept themselves occupied in this remote installation.Zealot


Halo 2 AnniversaryMultiplayer-Impressive gravitic control systems offer an extreme amount of flexibility in the placement of Halo's communication relays.Zenith


Halo Multiplayer Maps - Stats (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.