The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

DAILY HOME NEWS New Brunswick, N. Tuesday, October 3, 1944 DAVID D. DIEHL. Funeral services for Aviation Cadet David Dixon Diehl, 19, of the Army, Air Force at Bainbridge, son of and Mrs. Jeremiah Diehl of 10th avenue, Highland Park, who died on September 20 after brief illness at Finney General Hospital, Thomasville, were held on September 24 at Sellers Funeral Mercersburg, with interment in Spring Grove Cemetery, Franklin county, Pa.

Besides his parents David is survived by his grandmother, Mrs. Edgar B. Diehl, who lives in St. Thomas, Pa. The young cadet graduated from Highland Park High School in the class of 1944 and was elected to the National Honor Society prior to his entrance the army in April.

MRS. JOHN SZALLAI The funeral of Mrs. Ruth A. Szallai, wife of John Szallai Jr. of the Spotswood Milltown road, who died in St.

Peter's Hospital was held yesterday from the funeral home William H. Quackenboss and Son, 156 Livingston avenue, and was largely attended. Rev. Stanley Wagg Milltown, officiated and Mrs. Russell D.

Custer of Milltown sang "Some Day He'll Make It Plain." There were many floral remebrances. Interment will be in Van Liew Cemetery later. HARRY W. RILEY Funeral services for Harry W. Riley, husband of the late Mrs.

Margaret M. Riley of 148 Codwise avenue, who died in Middlesex Hospital on Friday, were held yesterday from funeral home of William H. Quackenboss and Son and were largely attended. There were many floral remembrances. The Rev.

Laverne Vander Hill of the Suydam street. Reformed officiated interment Church, Elmwood Cemetery. Delegations. from New Brunswick Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the New Brunswick Moose were present. HAMLET E.

COLLINS The funeral of Hamlet E. Collins, Magnolia street, Highland Park, who died yesterday at his home, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the funeral home of William H. Quackenboss and Son, 156 Livingston avenue, and will be conducted by the Rev. James B. Mulder of the Park, Reformed Church.

Interment be in Van Liew Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home tonight from 7:30 o'clock until 9 o'clock. JOHN G. SCHMIDT Funeral services for John G. Schmidt, of 49 Cleveland avenue, Highland Park, who died Sunday, will be held from the Schmidt home tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev.

Dr. Carl Gramm. Interment will be in Van Liew Cemetery. Mr. Schmidt had been an employe of the Waldron Company for the past 59 years.

ANTHONY L. POTOCNY DUNELLEN, Oct. 3 Funeral services for Anthony L. Potocny of 653 North avenue, who died suddenly in his home on Thursday, were held yesterday morning in the home. A high mass of requiem was celebrated by the Rev.

John J. Reilly in St. John's olic Church at 9 a. m. Interment was in St.

Joseph's Cemetery, Bound Brook. Bearers included Joseph Poremba, William Emmons, Frank Jones, Frank Wyckoff, John Grill and Harry Stashak. BURKE At Highland Park, on October 1, 1944, William J. Burke, beloved husband of Josephine Curry Burke. Relatives and friends of the family, also members of the Name Society St.

Paul's Church, are invited to attend the funeral from his residence, 44 South Fifth avenue, Highland Park, on Wednesday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, and from St. Paul's Church, at 9 o'clock. Interment in St. Peter's Cemetery. LANG--At Sayreville, N.

on September 30, 1944, Anna, widow of Joseph J. Lang. Relatives and friends of the family, also members of the Rosary Society of Our Lady of Vic- the Florist" Absolute Dependable Service 1 Easton Ave. Phone N. B.

916 JOHN E. GLEASON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 700 44 Throop Ave. W. F. HARDING CO.

Funeral Director 102 Somerset Street Phone 607 J. H. MAHER AND SON Funeral Service Phone 1100 25 EASTON AVE. MEN BOSS You can AS TEL. Place Implicit LIVINGSTON, 156.

Confidence AVE. TWO HOMES LOST IN $7,000 FIRE Houses in New Brunswick Highlands, Piscataway Township, Gutted PISCATAWAY TOWNSHIP, Oct. 3-Fire destroyed two homes in the New Brunswick Highlands section yesterday with an estimated damage of more than $7,000, according. to Fire Chief C. N.

Beidz River Road Fire Company. homes, a nine-room cement block building belonging to Kessler Spratley and a seven-room frame house owned by Charles Tyer, located on Park avenue, were gutted at about 2 p.m. when fire suddenly broke out in Spratley's house and quickly spread to the adjoining building. Possible origin of the blaze might have been a stove in the Spratley home which had been lit at the time broke out, Beidz said. Damage to the Spratley house was estimated $3,000 while the loss involved at the Tyer house was judged at about $4,000, the fire chief said.

Seven men from the River road company answered alarm and battled three and a half hours to extinguish the blaze and prevent its spread to neighboring buildings. At one point, two other homes down the street took fire but the danger was soon brought under control. In the course of putting out the fire, at least 20 loads of water had to be brought up from the river. The New Market Fire Company assisted in extinguishing the fire. RARITAN TOWNSHIP DRIVER FINED $100 George W.

Wilhelm, 28, of Raritan Township, was last night convicted by Recorder Ishmael Sklarew of Highland of operating a motor vehicle Parter his license had been revoked and a fine of $100 plus costs of $3 was imposed. He was arrested September 9 at Dartmouth street and Woodbridge avenue following a collision between his automobile and one operated by John Niske of Woodbridge avenue. Watkins M. Jones, 46, of 122 Raritan avenue, was found guilty of disorderly acts at the Park Diner September 30 and was fined $10. He was arrested by PatrolStephen Jacobs and Leroy who appeared as complainants.

Costs of $3 were imposed on Edward F. O'Neill, 19, of 77 Throop avenue, New Brunswick, for illegal parking on Raritan avenue. George Terranova, proprietor of the Richfield Gas station in Raritan avenue, reported at police headquarters last night that a jack and recapped tire had been stolen from his service station over the week-end. Police Sergeant Andrew Schritenthal found no evidence of a forced entry. PRATT AND WHITNEY WORKERS ARE BACK KANSAS CITY, Oct.

3 (P)-Almost all of the midnight shift of workers at the Navy's Pratt and Whitney Aircraft engine plant returned to duty last night, ending a 24-hour work stoppage. Thomas F. Lyndon, executive committeeman for the International Association of Machinists, AFL, announced shortly before midnight the union membership had accepted a recommendation of its executive committee that the workers return to work, as ordered by the regional War Labor Board. The union had demanded that four foremen and a group leader be discharged and that a discharged employe be reinstated. FIRE PREVENTION FILM TO BE SHOWN As part of the city-wide observance of Fire Prevention Week, the New Brunswick Junior Chamber of Comemrce will supply to all movie houses in this city and Highland Park a short film dealing with methods of fire prevention, James G.

Maher, president of the Jaycees, announced today. First showing of the movie will be given on Saturday, Maher said. tories Church, Sayreville, and the Lady Foresters of America, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from her home, 192 Main street, Sayreville, Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock and from the Church of Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville, at 9 o'clock. Interment in Calvary cemetery, Parlin. Notice The members of the Companions of the Forest of the Foresters of, America will hold services for their late fraternal sister, Mrs.

Joseph J. Lang at the Lang home, 192 Main street, Sayreville, on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. COLLINS-At Highland Park, on October 2, 1944, Hamlet husband of the late Matilda Collins. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the funeral home of William H. Quackenboss and Son, 156 Livingston avenue, on Wednesday, October 4, at 2 o'clock.

Interment will be in Van Liew Cemetery. homiends, until may 9 evening call o'clock. at the from funeral 7:30 SCHMIDT-At Highland Park, on October 1, 1944, John husband of the late Catherine Lieb Schmidt. Relatives and friends of the family, also members of Highland Park Chapter, No. 240, F.

and A. New Brunswick Forest, No. 12, Tall Cedars of Lebanon and the New Brunswick Turn Verein, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services from his home, 49 Cleveland avenue, Highland Park, Wednesday, October 4, at 4 o'clock. Interment will be in Van Liew Cemetery. ASKS ELIMINATION OF FIRE HAZARDS Mayor Issues Proclamation Designating Next Week For Fire Prevention Pointing out that "a mounting toll of preventable fire losses is imposing a serious drain upon the war and welfare of our country," effort, Chester W.

Paulus, in support of the proclamation of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, today designated the week of October 8-14 as Fire Prevention week in New Brunswick in urging elimination of fire hazards. "Thousands of people are burned to death each year and property destruction by fire averages more than a million dollars a said the mayor. "These staggering fire losses are but the sum total of losses in the nation's cities and communities. could but realize," said Paulus, "the effect of such terms of delay in delivery of goods the war fronts, in terms of possible danger to our soldiers and sailors, in terms of the precious man-hours of duction lots, in terms of the difficulties in replacement of machinery and buildings, then we would more fully appreciate the dire effects of fire destruction.

"Fire has no respect for place or person," continued Mayor Paulus. "A careless or thoughtless act on the part of any citizen endanger life and property. Only by united action on the of every individual can outbreaks of fire be controlled and eliminated." The mayor appealed to all citizens to eliminate fire hazards in their homes, places of work, and in our schools, public buildings and other places of public assembly. ask all those who influence the life of our city and ity, the Chamber of Commerce, all business, and labor organizations, churches and schools, civic groups, the press, radio and theatres to utilize Fire Prevention Week to bring to the attention of every man, woman and child the fundamental measures of fire waste prevention and control. "Further, I direct that the fire department and all other appropriate departments of our municipal government lend their active assistance in initiating and carrying out programs that will attain the objectives of the President's Proclamation." FINNS ENDANGER NAZI STRONGHOLD Drive From Two Directions Being Aimed at Kemi; Germans Retreat OULU, Finland, Oct.

3 (P)-Finnish troops in from two directions on Nazi stronghold closed, at Kemi at the head of the Gulf of Bothnia today as the Germans retreated along a front of approximately 120 miles in northern Finland. The drive on Kemi came from Tornio (Tornea), captured by Finnish troops in a surprise landthe Gulf of Bothnia on Saturday, and from Kuivaniemi, which Finnish Arctic units have just reached. 20 miles southeast of Tornio on the Swedish border and approximately the same distance northwest of Kuivaniemi. The capture of Tornio trapped Nazis on both sides of the Kemi river. (Swedish newspaper reports said German troops were fleeing north of Tornio after Finnish troops had captured the enemy garrison in the town.

One account estimated that 2,000 Germans were routed by the Finns there). The front on which the Germans are retreating stretches from the Olhava river on the Gulf of Bothnia northeastward through Pudasjarvi and Taivalkoski to the vicinity 'of Kussamo. Pudasjarvi is 70 miles southeast of Kemi. German troops, for the most part, appeared to be hurrying to keep out of the way of the Finns. FIND NO TRACE OF MISSING BABY DETROIT, Oct.

3 (AP) Detectives, after checking more than 100 clues, reported today they were as mystified as ever by the whereabouts of four-month old Robert James King and a nursemaid recently hired to care for him. disappeared from the King home Saturday night while the baby's parents were away. Addresses and a reference given by the maid when she was employed by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F.

King a week ago were found to be false, police said. Mrs. King said the "one hope that is keeping me going" is that "the maid seemed to love our Bobby. I count on that, trust in that. Wherever she is with him, I just know she is caring for him devotedly and that he is well and safe." The parents said the nursemaid, a young woman, had expressed desire to have a baby of her own.

The Kings, who have a son, Emory, 17, are family of modest means. TO RETIRE HILL ON PENSION FUND Patrolman Leonard Hill of 137 Suydam street will retire as a member of the police department on October 16 after 30 years of service. He was 65 years of age last month. The Police and Firemen's Pension Fund Commission voted yesterday afternoon to retire Hill on half pay. His retirement was mandatory under the pension statutes which provides that policemen and firemen must retire when reaching the age of 65.

Hill's application was the' only one to come before the commission. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found LOST- On upper Livingston Ave. opposite swimming pool, gold Hamilton watch and wrist band. Sec. et for an order authorizing me to assume the name of Frank Epstein.

EPHRAIM EPSTEIN. $5.28 tues-s26-03-10-17 Return to Home News office. Reward. LOST- Ration books No. 3, Elizabeth Noldi.

Eva Callahan, 15 Maplewood Pl. LOST- Gold and silver Marine Corps pin. Miss Dermer, 4483. LOST- -No. 4 ration book.

Maude Hall, Newton Livingston Pk. 2. Auctions AUCTION SALE Thursday evening, Oct. 5. at 7 p.

m. We will have an auction sale of saddle horses and ponies. Also saddles, bridles and harness. If you have any horses for sale bring them sale. VOGEL'S FARM.

INC. Route 29 and Grove St. Somerville, N. J. I.

C. DILTS. Auctioneer. Years Experience. Franklin Park Tel.

849-J-3 AUTOMOTIVE 11. Automobiles for Sale COME TO VAN SYCKLE'S For Reconditioned Used Car. We Will Trade or Buy Your Present DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCK AND SERVICE FRANK VAN SYCKLE 259 George New Brunswick Phone N. B. 871 GOOD USED CARS We Sell and Buy HOAGLAND MOTORS 216 John Bound Brook TEL.

BOUND BROOK 800 '36 OLDSMOBILE coach, radio, good condition throughout. Must sacrifice. 31 Church St. 1935 PONTIAC, 2-door, good condition. Call Bound Brook 2266-J between 5 6 p.

m. 1937 PACKARD. good condition. Tel. Milltown 597.

'38 FORD deluxe Fordor, radio, heater 293 Baldwin St. '39 FORD deluxe Tudor sedan, excellent condition. Silber's, 146 French St. 12. Trucks, Tractors.

Trailers 1932 CHEVROLET panel truck, good condition. Tel. Metuchen 6-1363. '38 FORD V8. one ton pick-up truck.

Lindeneau Coal Yard, Tel. 3463. 13. Motorcycles-Bicycles 1940 HARLEY DAVIDSON torcycle, excellent condition. Tel.

Somerville 741-M. HARLEY- DAVIDSON motorcycle fully equipped. 100 Welton. 14. Auto Accessories TIRES GRADE 1 AND 3 All sizes, passenger.

truck. Recapping. and Vulcanizing. VICTORY TIRE EXCHANGE Easton Ave. French and Hale 7021 Tel.

7462 GRADE 1 tires, in most sizes: new low price. Vulcanizing, recapping. Brown, 89 French St. MICHAELSON AUTO PARTS 265 Burnet St. Tel.

4422 AUTO -LITE Batteries. Ignition parts, all cars. Road service. Kwick Tire Service. Tel.

590. 15. Repairing Service ALL MAKES speedometers repaired. Carter Stromberg Carburetor Service. Cal's, 29 Albany St.

VULCANIZING RECAPPING Speedy Service. O.K. Tire. French and Schuyler Sts. TIRE wear, shimmy corrected.

Horvath, 19 Division. Tel. 3621. AUTO repairing, body work. Painting.

Tel. NB 5110-W-3. MECHANICAL-Safety Services, Middlesex Top Body. Tel. 7848.

16. Automotive HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR USED CAR Sell now while market is high. Rutgers Chevrolet FIFTH AND RARITAN AVES. Phone 4230 or 4232. If you want to buy or sell a good used car -SEEDE ANGELIS BROS French Street New Brunswick Telephone 1647 ANY CAR YOU WANT PRICED LOW Highest Prices Paid FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS Will Call For THOMASON MOTORS Middlesex Ave Pearl St.

Metuchen. Tel. Metuchen 6-1333 USED CARS WANTED Deitz Motors, Inc. 250 GEORGE ST Phones 4432-4433 SPOT CASH paid for used cars. JAMISON'S CENTRAL, GARAGE 222 Sandford St.

Tel. 2982 LATE MODEL CARS bought and sold. popular prices. Opera House Garage, Liberty St. 809.

SPOT CASH paid for used cars. JAMISON'S CENTRAL GARAGE 222 Sandford St. Tel. 2982 W. E.

MOUNT SON 99 Albany Street. Tel. 810 BUSINESS SERVICES Carpenters Paul Bensko, Tel. 8472 Cesspools CESSPOOLS, septic tanks ed. Prompt service.

Steven Wisniewski, Highway S-28, East Brunswick. Write Postoffice Box 4. South River. Tel. S.R 671.

CESSPOOLS, septic tanks cleaned. Gasoline equipment. J. Holm. Tel.

Jamesburg 47-M-2. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, cleaned. Modern equipment. R. Reid, Middlebush.

Tel. N.B. 1502-J-1. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks. Cleaned.

Forsire, Cranbury. 686-R-2. CESSPOOLS cleaned. Thompson's, 194 Talmadge St. 4254.

Electric Appliances ALL MAKES electric irons, toasters, waffle irons. hold appliances repaired. Paszamant's, 109 French St. Tel. 5058.

Electric Welding SEIDLER Electric and Acetylene welding, radiator cleaning. 318 Townsend St. Tel. 2980. NOTICE! To whom it may concern: Take notice that I shall apply to the Middlesex County Common Pleas Court on November 3, 1944, at 10 a.

pursuant to New Jersey Revised Statutes, CITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 17th, 1944 at the City Hall, 78 Bayard street, New Brunswick, N. J. at 10 o'clock a. m. Eastern War Time, the Board of Commissioners of the City of New Brunswick intends to authorize the execution of an assignment of tax certificate No.

18590 owned by the City of New Brunswick, to Elizabeth Szabo (unless redeemed by the owners or parties in Interest, prior to the date of the proposed assignment) which tax certificate covers lots 43 and 44 in block 454 on the City Tax Map, assessed in the name of the Brookside Realty Company, for which assignment the said Elizabeth Szabo is to pay the amount of principal and interest due and owing on said tax certificate, together with any and all municipal liens assessed against said property interest, subsequent to the year for which said property was sold and tax certificate issued therefor to the City of New Brunswick, including water rent and interest thereon, amounting in all to the sum of $1,092.80. This notice of sale and assignment is published in accordance with the provisions of Title 54 Chapter 5, sections 113 and 114 Revised Statutes of New Jersey. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK JOHN F. BOYCE, City Clerk. EMPLOYMENT ON THE AIR Ex.

Ambassador Davies Discusses Russia; Gracie Allen Tries Her Hand at Cupid Edwin C. Hill plays host to seph E. Davies, former U. S. am- bassador to Russia, and 1940 State Cordell Hull, The special assistant to Secretary, of Human Side of the News," which is broadcast at 6:15 over WABC.

Author of the "Mission to Moscow," Davies will disbest cuss Russia, her post policy, and the gigantic rebuilding task before her when hostilities have ceased. Davies' dissertation will be based on observations made during his stay in Moscow. This interview marks program mentor Hill's new policy of inviting important diplomats to appear on his program. Gracie "Cupid" Allen is up her old tricks again, trying to marry off Bill Goodwin, erstwhile friend of Grace's husband George Burns. With Bill as the quarry, tonight's airing of "George Burns and Gracie Allen" deals with the little lady's efforts to find a suitable mate for "poor single (WABC 9 P.

BROADCAST BRIEFS Four discuss "Women's Stakes in the Election," on tonight's 'American Forum of the Air." via WOR at Varieties," formerly heard over WOR on Tuesday nights, has shifted to Thursday night over the same network, and will be heard at same time, the "Better formerly broadcast Thursday at the same time comes the airlanes on Tuesday, Ed "Archie" Gardner of "Duffy's Tavern" guests on "Everything for the Boys," where he joins emcee Dick Haymes in the 10- THIS Wife WOR- Sunny Skylar, Songs WJZ- Abroad WABC- -Service Command Parade WMCA--News; Ray Smith, Songs Dallas WJZ--Don Norman Show Recorded Music Jones WOR -Dr. Eddy's Food Forum WIZ -News; Westbrook Van Voorhis WMCA- -News: Recorded Music Widder Brown WJZ- -Hop Harrigan WABC- -Scott Orchestra a Girl Marries THIS Reports WOR-Sydney Moseley, -News: Kennedy WABC Howe, News WMCA--News: Talks: Music Music WOR-Newsreel WJZ--Ethel and Albert WABC- C. Hill, News Singiser WJZ-Whose War; Sports Talk WABC-Sports- Ted Husing WMCA- World News Round-up -Bill Stern Lowell Thomas WOR-Sports- -Stan Lomax Henry J. Taylor -News WABC- The World Today--News WMCA- -Raymond Scott Records C. Harsh.

News 7.00-WEAF-Johnny Mercer Show WOR-Fulton Lewis News WJZ-Senator Robert Wagner WABC-I Love a Mystery WMCA- -News: Recorded Music W. Vandercook WOR-Recorded Music WJZ To Be Announced WABC -Passing Parade WMCA-Five-Star Final Haymes, WOR-Arthur Hale, News WJZ-Diane. the Jesters, Songs WABC-Concert Orchestra WMCA-Johannes Steel. News -The Answer Man WJZ- Jean Tighe, Songs WMCA-Dean Martin. Songs Simms.

Songs WOR-Frank Singiser, News WJZ -News Comments WABC-Big Town WMCA-News; Recorded Music TOMORROW Variety Music Sweetheart of the Farm Sunrise Salute Campaign Talk Emmert WOR -Sun-Up Society WABC- Godfrey, Music WMCA--News; Dude Ranch Music Variety Musical WJZ-Ed East Variety Show WOR-News; Musical Clock WABC- News; Arthur Godfrey 7:15 WMCA- -News; Recorded Music Westerners' Music 7:45 WJZ, WABC-News Reports -Help Wanted Talk Jay Johnson, Songs WOR-News; Recorded Show WJZ--Martin Agronsky, News -News: Phil Cook, Music WMCA- -News: Recorded Music Talk: Dr. Allen E. Claxton WMCA- Unity Viewpoint- Talk Modern Romances WOR-Talk-Pegeen Fitzgerald WJZ--Nancy Craig-Talk WABC-Missus Goes -Shopping WMCA- Recorded Music 8:45 -Margaret Arlen 8:55 WOR, WJZ- -News 9:00 -Mirth and Madness Talk -Victor H. Lindlahr WJZ -Breakfast Club- Variety WABC- -News; New Horizons TOMORROW Reports WOR Carter; News WJZ- Glamour Manor -News; Kate Smith's Chat WMCA-News; Recorded Music McNellis WOR-Music at Mid-Day WABC-Big Siste S. Air Forces Band -News; Juke Box WJZ- -News; Farm-Home Makers WABC- -Helen Trent 12:45 WABC- Gal Sunday Margaret McBride WOR-Dr.

Eddy's Food Forum B. Baukhage, News WABC-Life Can Be Beautiful WMCA-News: Recorded Music Women's Exchange Show WABC- Ma Perkins Rambling With Gambling WABC-Bernardine Flynn, News Beatty, News WJZ -Galen Drake WABC-The Goldbergs. Guiding Light WOR-Cedric Foster, News ALFRED E. SMITH IS REPORTED 'WEAKER' NEW YORK, Oct. 4 (AP) -For- mer Governor Alfred E.

Smith, gravely ill in Rockefeller Institute, was reported today to be "weaker" and to have suffered "little relapses due to the weakness." After a 30-minute call at his bedside, Dr. Raymond P. Sullivan said the 1928 Democratic presidential candidate was suffering from "considerable intestinal eruptions and a congestion of the right lung which causes embarassment to his heart and circulation." Smith, 70, entered St. Vincent's Hospital, last August 10 suffering from heat exhaustion. Recently he was transferred to Rockefeller Institute.

Floor Sanders FLOOR sanding with modern dustless "Speadliner." Surfacing and finishing old and new floors. F. Scheer. Tel. 8505-M.

FLOOR Sanding and refinishing. Work done reasonably. E. Butrica. Tel.

5790-R. FLOOR SANDING and ment. ishing. E. Modern.

Church. Tel. dustless 6598. equipFLOOR sanding and refinishing, reasonable. Work done immediately.

Tel. 5790-R. Mattresses MATTRESS and box springs made. Feather beds made into quilts. New Brunswick Mattress 44 Albany St.

Tel. 6312. Moving, Trucking, Storage MOVING TRUCKING' Crating and shipping. every piece insured. H.

R. TRUCKING 425. George St. Tel. 3467 LONG distance moving.

Fireproof storage, packing, crating. Agents Allied Vans, Sisser Inc. N. Plainfield, Somerville. BRUNSWICK VANS--Local and long distance.

Moving storage. crating. shipping. Nelson St. Tel.

7366. RATES QUOTED for storage of household effects in absolutely Areproof warehouse. Sisser Bros. N. Plainfleld, Somerville.

AND M. movers and express. Local and long distance. All loads insured. Tel.

Bound Brook 1264-M. N. B. STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fireproof Warehouses. 18-20 Drift St.

Tel. 981 Fleishman's City Service MOVING VANS Tel. 6627 172 French St. LET STEWART move you to your new home. Phone 4197.

Moving, Trucking, Storage. Call Metuchen 6-0383-M. STORAGE space available. New St. Inquire 109 Livingston Ave.

Overhead Garage Doors SOLD INSTALLED ICE- -Rowe Mfg. Plfd. 6-8541. Painting and Paperhanging ROOMS papered sunfast. washable papers, guaranteed.

Try us, be satisfied. United Wallpaper. 16 Church St. Tel. 2392 or 5245.

PAINTING, paperhanging guaranteed. Brunswick Wallpaper 7 Church St. 1961-W. PAINTING, paperhanging, guaranteed, reasonable. W.

Saiff, 114 So. 4th H.P. Tel. 6323. PAINTING, paperhanging, general contracting.

107 Alcazar Hi P. Tel. 2680-J. ALBANY Paint and Wallpaper 60 Albany Tel. 3939.

Piano Tuning PIANO repairing, tuning. A. M. Friesz, 27 Langley Pl. Tel.

1384-J Radios- Radio Service Radio Service Technicians 100 Louis New Brunswick For service call NB 524 HULL RADIO SERVICE Victor. Columbia, Decca records. 397 Main, Metuchen. Met. 6-1078 RADIOS- Phonographs repaired.

All makes, guaranteed. Frank's Radio Service, 49 Easton. 8675. "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" N. VAN HEUVEL 420 GEORGE ST.

TEL. 8340 Refrigeration Service NEW BRUNSWICK Refrigeration Service, air conditioning. oll burners, commercial and domestic. Tel. 2836-J or 5675-J.

ALL makes household and store refrigeration service Sundays. A. Niederman, 2329-R-1848-M. Roofing ROOFING AND TINNING 59 Muffet St. Fords.

N. J. Tel. P.A. 4-5554-R.

Rug Cleaning COMPLETE rug cleaning Ice. shampooing our specialty, also dust cleaning. $2. Lorraine Rug Cleaners. Tel.

7838. Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINES Bought, Sold, Repaired. 3 yr. guarantee. M.

Rechtschafer, 56 Church. 3084. Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRS makes. Albright's, 84 Albany St. Tel.

1444. Washing Machine Service WE will rebuild your old washing machine and vacuum cleaner. Everymake. 290 State Perth Amboy 4-2262. WASHING machine service and complete overhauling.

Paszamant's, 109 French St. Tel. 5058. Weatherstripping METAL weatherstripping for windows, doors. Koury, 2691-R.

EMPLOYMENT WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION RULING The War Manpower Commission has ruled that no worker presently or last employed in an essential or locally needed activity, may be considered for any other employment without statement of availability. Hirers of workers possessions critically needed skills will require U. S. Employment Service approval; also that employment in the Somerville, Plainfeld or Perth Amboy, New Brunswick Area, 18 subject to the paproval of the United States Employment Service of the War Manpower Commission. 32.

Help Wanted -Women WOMAN for permanent office position. Medical experience desirable. not essential. Tel. NB 1109, 10 to 12 a.

2 to 4 p. m. STENOGRAPHER Bookkeeper, small plant, simple records. Give experience, age, and salary expected. Write R-112, Home News GIRL, colored preferred, for dusting in gift shop, part time.

Apply in person. Norman's, 340 George St. GIRL Typist assist with bookkeeping. Good salary, Steady position. Apply at Rice 201-203 Neilson St.

GIRL for general housework, no washing, no cooking, sleep out. 51 No. Sixth H. P. COUNTER GIRL.

experienced. Park Diner, Highland Park. Tel. 7582. GIRL for general housework and assist with child, sleep in.

Tel. 392. HOUSEWORKER for small family in apartment, good pay. Tel. 8126-J.

WAITRESSES, over 21, Linwood Grove, Lincoln Highway, Stelton. Tel. 4071. WOMAN for housework. Full time.

Tel. South River 32-J after 7 p. m. WOMAN for light housework, sleep in or out. Tel.

Metuchen 6-0757-W. GENERAL houseworker. Full or part time. 219 Handy St. Tel.

3269. YOUNG lady for clerical work. Apply Commonwealth Bank of Metuchen. HOUSEWORKER Two adults, time Monday to Friday. 91 Adelaide H.

P. SALESGIRL for gift shop. Apply In person. Norman's. 84 Church St.

STENOGRAPHER for law office, legal experience not necessary. Tel. NB 3400 for appointment. SALESLADY Fair Store, 65 Church St. EXPERIENCED millinery salesgirls.

Tel. 906. SALES WOMAN. experienced. Apply Vine's, 379 George St.

GIRL or woman for housework. Small apartment. Tel. 4326. ELDERLY woman to care for 3 children, sleep in.

Tel. 3313-J. 82. Help Wanted Women minute overseas spot for a transAtlantic phone talk with two servicemen, "Pathe cific Victory, 1945" by Joseph Driscoll is the book "Words at War" dramatizes on tonight's broadcast via WEAF at 9:30. Julie Haydon and Raymond Edward Johnson co-star the "Theatre of Romance" presentation of "Death Takes a Holiday," which comes to you at 8:30 over WABC.

GREEK GODDESS Author of a soon to be published book, charming Grecian Naya Grecia has come to our shores to try her hand at the entertainment world. Miss Grecia makes her official debut tonight at 9:15 via WOR on MGM's "Screen Test." AFTERNOON WOR- -Uncle Don WJZ- Terry and the Pirates WABC- Eddie Dunn Show WMCA-News; Milt Greene, Songs Faces Life WOR- Chick Carter WJZ- -Dick Tracy WMCA- -Recorded Music Plain Bill WOR-Superman WJZ- Jack Armstrong WABC- Three Sisters, Songs -News; Sports Talk Page Farrell WOR- of Tom Mix WJZ-Captain Midnight WABC- Wilderness Road EVENING Skylar, Songs WJZ- and Abner Date With Judy WOR The Better Half- Quiz WJZ- -Alan Young Show WABC- Death Takes a Holiday Henry, News Theatre -Gabriel Heatter, News WJZ- Famous Jury Trials WABC- Burns and Allen, Comedy Recorded Music Test WMCA-Richard -Talk at War WOR-American Forum WJZ-Spotlight Band WABC- This Is My Best WMCA- The Callahans- -Sketch Story Hope, Comedian WJZ-Raymond Gram Swing WABC Service to the Front WMCA-News; Music Schubert. News WJZ- -From London; George Hicks So the Story Goes Songs; Others WOR- Symphonette WJZ-Let Yourself Go WABC-Congress Speaks WMCA-Frank Kingdon. News Orchestra WMCA- Musical Encores WOR-News: Music WMCA-News; Talk: Music To Be Announced WJZ- Composers' Concert; Paul Whiteman, Conductor WABC-Casey; Press Photographer WABC-News: Music WJZ, WMCA-News; Music MORNING WMCA-News; Alice Hughes Crosby Records Talk-Isabella Beach 9:30 WEAF- -Adelaide Hawley Talk WOR-Food-Alfred W. McCann WMCA- -Variety Show 9:45 WEAF- -Alice Cornell, Songs WABC- This Life is Mine Lawton WOR-News; Bessie Beatty Show WJZ-My True Story WABC- Valiant Lady WMCA- Recorded Music 10:15 WEAF -News, Robert St.

John WABC-Light of the World Keepers WJZ- Cliff Edwards, Songs -This Changing World Recorded Music -The Listening Post Children to Life WOR- -News: Talk; Muste Breakfast With Breneman -Honeymoon Hill Recorded Music -Sketch WABC- Second Husband Playhouse WJZ- -News: Jack Berch, Songs WABC-Bright Horizon WMCA-News: Recorded Musta 11:45 WEAF--David Harum WOR- What's Your Idea? WABC -Aunt Jenny's Stories and Glenn, Songs AFTERNOON WJZ-News; Walter Kiernan WABC -Joyce Jordan, M. D. WMCA-News; Recorded Music 2:15 -Today's Children WOR-Martha Deane Show WJZ-Galen Drake WABC--Two on a in White WOR-News Reports WJZ- Ladies Be Seated WABC-Young Dr. Malone 2:45 WEAF-Hymns of All Churches WOR- Series Baseball WABC--Perry Mason Woman of America Morton Downey. Songs WABC Mary Marlin WMCA- News: Recorded Music 3:15 WEAF, -Ma Perkins WJZ-Hollywood Star Time WABC- Tena and Tim WMCA-Ethel Colby--Talk 3:30 WEAF-Pepper Young WJZ- Appointment With Life WABC-News-Bob Trout WMCA -News; Recorded Music to Happiness WABC- The High Places GOVERNOR TO EDIT KANSAS NEWSPAPER OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct.

3 (AP)Gov. Robert S. Kerr, with "some very definite ideas" about how to edit a newspaper, intends to try them on October 10 on the Wichita (Kans) Beacon. Kerr told his press conference yesterday he had accepted an invitation from Louis Levand, Beacon publisher, be a guest editor and that he certainly would take advantage of the opportunity to write an editorial. His subject: "Discriminatory Freight Rates and the Industrial Development of Kansas and Oklahoma." HONEYCOMB CELLS DIFFER Honeycomb is made up of cells of two sizes, the larger being used for the raising of drones, while the others serve for smaller and more numerous workers.

WE NEED MORE TELEPHONE OPERATORS No Previous Experience Needed. Help Serve The War Effort While Securing Your Future APPLY TODAY NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE CO. 18 PATERSON ST. New Brunswick During Business Hours Or Call the CHIEF OPERATOR on New Brunswick Official 15 for Appointment. WMC Rules Apply.

GIRLS For Interesting light work. We pay you while learning. Rapid advancement. Full or part time. ALSO OPERATORS For essential civilian goods.

types sewing machines. Chil. dren's Underwear. GOOD PAY. STEADY WORK DU-RAY MILLS, INC.

Building 14 Michelin Bullding Milltown. N. J. WMC Rules Apply BOOKKEEPER for office of old established local downtown cern, take charge of accounta and correspondence, permanent position. opportunity, pleasant surroundings.

Tel. N.B. 19. DISHWASHER No Sunday Work THODE'S. 361 St.

GIRLS WANTED Experience Not Necessary NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY 190 Townsend St. WAITRESS Morning Hours. Apply Miss Setterstrom ROGER SMITH HOTEL CHAMBERMAID ROGER SMITH HOTEL OPERATORS giris willing to learn Singer Sewing chines. Also floor girls. Good earnings.

Brunswick Knitting Mills. 32 Courtlandt St. SALESGIRLS wanted for after school hours and Saturdays. Also wanted: salesgirls from 16 to 55 for steady work. M.

H. George St. BOOKKEEPER with ability to take charge of office in retail store. Good salary, permanent Write position. Excellent opportunity, R-109, Home News.

BEAUTICIANS (2) Good salary, good hours, 5 day week. Milazzo's, 335 George St. YOUNG lady or woman for drug and cosmetic department; excellent opportunity: good ary. Tobin's Drug Store. 33.

Situations WantedSTENOTYPIST Graduate. experienced, 150 words minute, desires position. N. B. 5919-M.

GIRL will take care of children after school and Saturdays. 23 James St. TYPING done at home. Tel. NB 2755-M.

CURTAINS and table linens laundered carefully, Tel. 2765. 34. Help Wanted -Men RELIABLE nationally known concern desires men of first class personal standing with spare time available during the day for occasional investigations in own locality. Must have a general knowledge of business and be in good health.

State age and qualifcationa in reply. Write J. M. Stewart. P.

O. Box 126. Newark 1, N. J. ASSISTANT to the manager.

wanted for general store duties in farm supplies. This position offers definite post war security for the right person. An agricultural background is very exsential. Please do not apply it agricultural experience is lacking. Apply to Stanley Pine.

Farmers' Cooperative 160 Sandford St. WATCHMAN -APPLY- DIED National Musical String COMPANY George's New Brunswick FUEL OIL driver with knowledge of retail delivery. Steady year round work. Good salary. Apply Mack Fuel Supply 252 George between 10 to 12 or 2 to 5.

LABORERS, steady work and overtime. This Is a job as well as present. Apply Hoosier Waste Renovating Mountain Ave. and South Lincoln, Middlesex or nearest U. S.

Employment Office. SALESMAN Clothing store. Opportunity for advancement. Good salary. Liberal Store.

96 Church St. BOY. over 14. 7 to work after school and all day, Saturdays. Working papers references required.

37 John St. Tel. 2921. FARMER, dairy, good milker. day week, live out.

State salexperience, etc. Write 8-142. Home News. NIGHT, Richmond Watchman wanted. Handkerchiet 16 Roberts South River.

Tel. S. R. 1155. BUTCHER wanted, full or part time.

Apply N. day City 111 French Tel. 360. WANTED Night attendant, full time. a a permanent position.

Tel. N. B. DRIVERS and helpers wanted. Board Coal 339 Comstock St.

Tel. 612. BARTENDER. Part time. wood Grove, Lincoln Highway, Stelton.

Tel. 4071. AUTO MECHANICS (2) good pay. Garretson 127 Raritan Highland Park. PIN BOYS wanted, 10 cents per line.

New Brunswick tion, 110 Albany St..

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.