The Most Talented Teams in the SEC Ranked 1-16, Both By Roster and Starters (2024)

The Most Talented Teams in the SEC Ranked 1-16, Both By Roster and Starters (1)

Soon after Independence Day passes each Summer I become cognizant of the daylight hours becoming ever so much shorter. What was dusk at 9 PM (where I am anyway) just a few short weeks ago is now 830 PM. This my friends is your marker that King Football is mercifully on the horizon. With Wimbledon finishing Sunday and the British Open on tap next week we can now begin earnest preseason speculation. I am told the Olympics start sometime this month but you will have to look elsewhere for coverage of that dreck.

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I will be doing a full SEC preview and have an outline of that started in fact. I’ll be holding off on posting it well into camp and probably the Monday of Week 1. In the meantime I did this project and lemme tell you it was a LOT of research. Way more than it was worth probably as I am not sure how much value can be assigned to it. But now that it’s done I might as well present my findings. The idea was to determine in order the most talented teams in the SEC throughout the 3-deep roster, the most talented starting 22’s from 1-16, and the most talented teams by position groups (D-Line, Linebacker, Secondary, O-Line, Wide Receiver, Quarterback, Running Back, and Tight End). How did I do this you very reasonably might ask? Below was my methodology:

A. Depth charts for each team were drawn primarily from which I stumbled onto by Googling. I cross referenced what they had with media reports and found it to be credible. There are certainly some discrepancies. For example, the team I know is Tennessee and there were variations between Ourlads and Football Time In Tennessee magazine. For the most part, starters seemed to synchronize but beyond that there are disagreements on player order at certain positions. That will obviously be the case with every team. You should understand that these depth charts were largely created coming out of Spring practice. When kickoff comes around there will be changes for a multitude of reasons—injuries, players will emerge, true freshman will occasionally push for playing time, etc. I get all of that. But what you will see here (and I’m going to write out the depth chart for every team at the end) is the material each coaching staff has to work with this Fall.

B. Positions were chosen with the modern passing game in mind. So for offense that meant 3 WR’s, 5 down lineman, 1 TE, 1 QB, and 1 RB. Defense was more complicated but USUALLY you had 3 down lineman, 1 hybrid that I’m counting as a DE (called many different things depending on the team—LEO, BUCK, JACK, RAZOR, EDGE, WOLF), 2 LB’s, and 5 DB’s including the Nickelback (again with a lot of cute names including STAR, DOG, and CHEET). A few teams listed three Linebackers which I adjusted for. Texas, with a dazzling array of depth, has a 3 deep for 5 D-Lineman, 3 Linebackers, and 5 Defensive Backs giving them 13 theoretical defensive starters. Believe you me they easily have the players for it. Georgia lists 4 Linebackers yielding 12 defensive starters if including the Nickel. Specialists were not included.

C. So how did I rate each player? By high school star rating and I used Rivals. Not because I think Rivals is best or that I have any allegiance to them as I’ve never had a subscription to any recruiting service in my life. I’ve always used Rivals when doing recruiting evaluations I think because they are the oldest and the first one I think of. Frankly if I had to do this again I would use 247 because Google seems to prefer it and Rivals has their website so gummed up with crap it can slow your browser to a crawl. Once each player had a grade I took the average at each position then ranked each group. I continued that process with the projected starters then the full 3-deep roster.

D. Now many of you may have already closed the page at my suggestion of using high school evaluations to judge talent. I definitely get that point of view but hear me out before you give up on this. If you don’t want to say this is the best way to rank a teams talent think of it as potential talent or even PERCEIVED talent. If you believe stars in recruiting don’t matter you better have a think or two. Go and look at the 428 (slight exaggeration) draft picks Alabama had under Saban and tell me what those kids were rated as recruits. Most folks have a fundamental misunderstanding of recruiting (plus the portal, I’ll address that shortly) and how to think about it. You shouldn’t pay much attention at all when your team lands a high profile recruit. Any individual player can bust even “can’t miss” types. What you should pay tons of attention to is a signing class (plus transfers) as a whole. If Team A signs twenty five players and twenty are 4 or 5 stars versus Team B also signing twenty five players but only seven are 4 and 5 stars which one are you putting your money on? Another way to think of it is suppose I offered you $1000 to make 10 free throws in a row. OR I offer you $1000 to make 10 free throws but you get 20 attempts. See the difference? Recruiting is all about numbers. The more higher ranked players you bring in the better your chances of beating the other fellow.

E. As far as transfers go I looked at what they were rated out of high school regardless of whether they have outplayed that rating. That will skew things a bit as many players have been re-rated at a much higher level. I am not going to play that game however for a few reasons. For one, just as many players have been downgraded as upgraded. For another, not all transfers get re-rated at all as many stay the same. Finally, that’s all too easy for the services to get a second crack at just those selected players. For accuracy sake, I believe it’s best to be consistent across the board. Ole Miss is particularly hurt by my accounting method with many transfers that have exceeded their initial rating. Therefore they will be badly undersold in these rankings or wildly overhyped in the preseason polls that count. We’ll see.

F. Not all teams have a set 3 player deep rotation at all positions. It’s most common with the scrub teams like Mississippi St, Arkansas, etc. but even Alabama looks a little thin at offensive tackle and the secondary. If I could not find a source that locked in a 3rd teamer at a position I would go to the full roster and made my best guess as to who would be the next man up. Invariably I would pick the highest rated player at the position not filled but was not listed in the 3-deep for whatever reason. Almost always this would be either a true freshman or a 0 star player that was likely a walk on at some point.

G. Lastly, I want to stress that I am not claiming 100% accuracy here with regard to order of players at a given position. What I am very confident about is that you will be seeing the 66 or so players that will enter camp competing for playing time. I would say I have the starters right in the neighborhood of 85% with no injuries accounted for. I also want to emphasize that I am not offering any opinions here. I am not telling you who I think is best or who will win the league. This is simply one way to compare the relative strength of all 16 rosters. I will say this though—if you could equalize coaching, quarterback play, and schedule I would about guarantee this would be the order of finish. First we will do full roster rankings, then starter rankings, then position group rankings. I’ll close with all 16 teams 3 deep depth chart with each players Rivals star rating. Enjoy!

1 Georgia 3.99 (Rivals Average Star Per Player)

2 Texas 3.65

3 Alabama 3.58

4 LSU 3.55

5 Auburn 3.48

6A Tennessee 3.41

6B Oklahoma 3.41

8 Texas A&M 3.38

9 Florida 3.33

10 Kentucky 3.30

11 Missouri 3.12

12 Mississippi St 3.11

13 Ole Miss 3.03

14 South Carolina 2.88

15 Arkansas 2.86

16 Vanderbilt 2.58

1 Alabama 4.05

2 Texas 3.88

3 LSU 3.77

4 Georgia 3.74

5 Tennessee 3.59

6 Florida 3.45

7A Kentucky 3.41

7B Missouri 3.41

9 Texas A&M 3.36

10A Oklahoma 3.32

10B South Carolina 3.32

10C Arkansas 3.32

13 Auburn 3.23

14 Mississippi St 3.00

15 Ole Miss 2.91

16 Vanderbilt 2.64

1A Texas 5.00/4.67 (1)

1B Oklahoma 5.00/4.33 (2A)

1C Kentucky 5.00/4.33 (2C)

1D Tennessee 5.00/3.00 (14A)

5A Ole Miss 4.00/4.33 (2B)

5B Georgia 4.00/4.00 (5A)

5C Alabama 4.00/4.00 (5B)

5D LSU 4.00/4.00 (5C)

5E Florida 4.00/4.00 (5D)

5F Texas A&M 4.00/3.67 (9A)

5G South Carolina 4.00/3.67 (9B)

12A Missouri 3.00/3.33 (11A)

12B Mississippi St 3.00/3.33 (11C)

12C Auburn 3.00 (14B)

15 Arkansas 2.00/3.33 (11B)

16 Vanderbilt 0.00/1.67 (16)

1A Georgia 4.00/4.00 (1A)

1B Alabama 4.00/4.00 (1B)

1C TexasA&M 4.00/4.00 (1C)

1D Texas 4.00/3.67 (4A)

1E Oklahoma 4.00/2.33 (15)

1F Arkansas 4.00/3.67 (4B)

1G South Carolina 4.00/2.00 (16)

8A Florida 3.00/3.67 (4C)

8B Auburn 3.00/3.67 (4D)

8C Kentucky 3.00/3.67 (4E)

8D Tennessee 3.00/3.33 (9A)

8E Ole Miss 3.00/3.33 (9B)

8F Mississippi St 3.00/3.33 (9C)

8G Vanderbilt 3.00/3.00 (13)

15A LSU 2.00/3.33 (9D)

15B Missouri 2.00/2.67 (14)

1A LSU 4.00/4.00 (1)

1B Georgia 4.00/3.67 (2A)

1C Texas 4.00/3.67 (2B)

1D Tennessee 4.00/3.67 (2C)

1E Arkansas 4.00/3.33 (5A)

1F Missouri 4.00/3.00 (7A)

1G Texas A&M 4.00/3.00 (7B)

1H Vanderbilt 4.00/3.00 (7C)

9A Kentucky 3.00/3.33 (5B)

9B Florida 3.00/3.00 (7D)

9C Oklahoma 3.00/2.33 (12A)

9D Alabama 3.00/2.00 (15)

13A Auburn 2.00/2.67 (11)

13B South Carolina 2.00/2.33 (12B)

13C Mississippi St 2.00/1.67 (16)

16 Ole Miss 0.00/2.33 (12C)

1 Missouri 4.67/3.00 (10A)

2 Texas 4.33/4.00 (2)

3 Alabama 4.00/4.11 (1)

4 Kentucky 4.00/3.00 (10B)

5A Auburn 3.67/3.78 (3)

5B Tennessee 3.67/3.77 (4)

5C LSU 3.67/3.56 (5A)

5D Florida 3.67/3.00 (10C)

5E South Carolina 3.67/3.00 (10D)

10A Georgia 3.33/3.44 (7A)

10B Vanderbilt 3.33/2.44 (14)

12A Oklahoma 3.00/3.56 (5B)

12A Mississippi St 3.00/3.44 (7B)

14 Texas A&M 2.67/3.22 (9)

15 Arkansas 2.67/2.44 (15)

16 Ole Miss 1.67/2.22 (16)

1A Texas 4.00/3.87 (1)

1B Tennessee 4.00/3.27 (4A)

3A Georgia 3.80/3.60 (2)

3B Alabama 3.80/3.27 (4B)

3C LSU 3.80/3.13 (7A)

6A Texas A&M 3.40/3.33 (3)

6B Ole Miss 3.40/3.13 (7B)

6C Arkansas 3.40/2.47 (15)

9 South Carolina 3.20/2.87 (11A)

10A Auburn 3.00/3.27 (4C)

10B Oklahoma 3.00/3.13 (7C)

10C Missouri 3.00/2.87 (11B)

13A Florida 2.80/2.87 (11C)

13B Mississippi St 2.80/2.67 (14)

15 Kentucky 2.60/3.00 (10)

16 Vanderbilt 2.00/2.27 (16)

1A Georgia 4.00/4.22 (1)

1B Alabama 4.00/4.17 (2)

1C Tennessee 4.00/4.00 (3)

1D Kentucky 4.00/3.67 (5)

1E Ole Miss 4.00/3.50 (8A)

6A LSU 3.75/3.50 (8B)

6B Arkansas 3.75/3.08 (14A)

8 Mississippi St 3.33/3.22 (13)

9A Texas A&M 3.25/3.75 (4)

9B Auburn 3.25/3.58 (7)

9C Missouri 3.25/3.42 (10)

9D South Carolina 3.25/3.25 (12)

9E Florida 3.25/3.08 (14B)

14 Texas 3.20/3.60 (6)

15A Oklahoma 2.75/3.33 (11)

15B Vanderbilt 2.75/2.92 (16)

1 Alabama 4.50/4.17 (3)

2A Florida 4.00/4.33 (1)

2B Georgia 4.00/4.25 (2)

2C LSU 4.00/3.83 (4A)

2D Ole Miss 4.00/3.67 (6)

2E Texas 4.00/3.56 (7)

7 Kentucky 3.67/3.44 (11)

8A Oklahoma 3.50/3.83 (4B)

8B Tennessee 3.50/3.50 (8A)

8C South Carolina 3.50/3.33 (12A)

8D Arkansas 3.50/2.83 (15)

8E Vanderbilt 3.50/2.50 (16)

13A Texas A&M 3.00/3.50 (8B)

13B Auburn 3.00/3.50 (8C)

13C Mississippi St 3.00/3.33 (12B)

16 Missouri 2.50/3.00 (14)

1 Alabama 4.40/3.00 (11A)

2A LSU 4.00/3.73 (1A)

2B Florida 4.00/3.67 (4A)

4A Oklahoma 3.80/3.73 (1B)

4B Missouri 3.80/3.33 (6A)

4C Texas 3.80/3.13 (9)

7A Auburn 3.60/3.67 (4B)

7B Texas A&M 3.60/3.07 (10)

9 Georgia 3.40/3.73 (1C)

10A Mississippi State 3.20/3.33 (6B)

10B Arkansas 3.20/3.00 (11B)

10C Kentucky 3.20/3.20 (8)

10D South Carolina 3.20/2.47 (16)

14A Tennessee 2.60/2.87 (13)

14B Vanderbilt 2.60/2.73 (14)

16 Ole Miss 2.20/2.60 (15)

WR1’s Rara Thomas 3*, Dillon Bell 3*, Dominic Lovett 4*

WR2’s Colbie Young 3*, Arian Smith 4*, Anthony Evans 4*

WR3’s Cole Speer 3*, London Humphreys 3*, Michael Jackson 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.44

LT1 Earnest Greene 4*, LT2 Monroe Freeling 4*, LT3 Nyier Daniels 3*

RT1 Xavier Truss 3*, RT2 Bo Hughley 4*, RT3 Jamal Meriweather 3*

LG1 Dylan Fairchild 4*, LG2 Micah Morris 4*, LG3 Daniel Calhoun 4*

RG1 Tate Ratledge 5*, RG2 Kelton Smith 3*, RG3 Marques Easley 4*

Center1 Jared Wilson 3*, Center2 Drew Bobo 3*, Center3 Malachi Toliver 3*

Offensive Line Average: 3.60

TE1 Oscar Delp 4*, TE2 Benjamin Yurosek 3*, TE3 Lawson Luckie 4*

Tight End Average: 3.67

QB1 Carson Beck 4*, QB2 Gunnar Stockton 4*, QB3 Jaden Rashada 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.00

RB1 Trevor Etienne 4*, RB2 Roderick Robinson 4*, RB3 Branson Robinson 4*

Running Back Average: 4.00

DE1 Tyrion Ingram-Hawkins 4*, DE2 Christen Miller 4*, DE3 Joseph Ajonye 5*

NT1 Nazir Stackhouse 4*, NT2 Jamaal Jarrett 4*, NT3 Xzavier McLeod 4*

DT1 Warren Brinson 4*, DT2 Jordan Hall 5*, DT3 Jordan Thomas 4*

Defensive Line Average: 4.22

LOLB1 Mykel Williams 5*, LOLB2 Damon Wilson 5*, LOLB3 Samuel M’Pemba 5*

MAC1 Smael Mondon 4*, MAC2 Raylen Wilson 4*, MAC3 Troy Bowles 4*

MONEY1 CJ Allen 4*, MONEY2 Jalon Walker 4*, MONEY3 Justin Williams 5*

ROLB1 Chaz Chambliss 3*, ROLB2 Gabe Harris 4*, ROLB3 Quintavious Johnson 4*

Linebacker Average: 4.25

CB1’s Julian Humphery 5*, Daylen Everette 4*

CB2’s Daniel Harris 4*, Ellis Robinson 5*

CB3’s Chris Peal 4*, Demello Jones 4*

SS1 Dan Jackson 0*, SS2 JaCorey Thomas 4*, SS3 Jake Pope 3*

FS1 Malaki Starks 4*, FS2 KJ Bolden 5*, FS3 Justyn Rhett 3*

STAR1 Joenel Aguero 4*, STAR2 David Sisavanh 4*, STAR3 Kyron Jones 3*

Secondary Average: 3.73

WR1’s Johntay Cook 5*, Isaiah Bond 4*, Matthew Golden 4*

WR2’s Parker Livingstone 4*, Ryan Wingo 4*, DeAndre Moore 4*

WR3’s Freddie DuBose 4*, Aaron Butler 4*, Silas Bolden 3*

Wide Receiver Average: 4.00

LT1 Kelvin Banks 4*, LT2 Trevor Goosby 3*, LT3 Jaydon Chatman 4*

RT1 Cameron Williams 4*, RT2 Brandon Baker 5*, RT3 Connor Stroh 3*

LG1 Hayden Connor 3*, LG2 Neto Umeozulu 4*, LG3 Malik Agbo 4*

Center1 Jake Majors 4*, Center2 Connor Robertson 3*, Center3 Daniel Cruz 4*

Offensive Line Average: 3.87

TE1 Amari Niblack 4*, TE2 Gunnar Helm 4*, TE3 Juan Davis 3*

Tight End Average: 3.67

QB1 Quinn Ewers 5*, QB2 Arch Manning 5*, QB3 Trey Owens 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.67

RB1 CJ Baxter 4*, RB2 Jaydon Blue 4*, RB3 Quintrevion Wisner 3*

Running Back Average 3.67

BUCK1 Trey Moore 2*, BUCK2 Colin Simmons 5*, BUCK3 Zina Umeozulu 4*

JACK1 Barryn Sorrell 3*, JACK2 Ethan Burke 4*, JACK3 Justice Finkley 4*

LDT1 Vernon Broughton 4*, LDT2 Jermayne Lole 3*, LDT3 Jaray Bledsoe 4*

NT1 Bill Norton 3*, NT2 Tiaoalii Savea 4*, NT3 Aaron Bryant 3*

RDT1 Alfred Collins 4*, RDT2 Sydir Mitchell 4*, RDT3 Alex January3*

Defensive Line Average 3.60

MLB1 Anthony Hill 5*, MLB2 Liona Lefau 4*, MLB3 Colton Vasek 4*

WLB1 David Gbenda 4*, WLB2 Derion Gullette 4*, WLB3 Michael Flanagan 0*

SLB1 Morice Blackwell 3*, SLB2 Tausili Akana 4*, SLB3 Ty’Anthony Smith 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.56

CB1’s Gavin Holmes 3*, Malik Muhammad 4*

CB2’s Jay’Vion Cole 0*, Kobe Black 4*

CB3’s Wardell Mack 4*, Warren Roberson 4*

SS1 Derek Williams 4*, SS2 Xavier Filsaime 5*, SS3 Jordon Johnson-Rubell 4*

FS1 Andrew Mukuba 4*, FS2 Michael Taaffe 0*, FS3 Jelani McDonald 4*

STAR1 Jahdae Barron 3*, Jaylon Guilbeau 4*, Graham Gillispie 0*

Secondary Average: 3.13

WR1’s Kendrick Law 4*, Germie Bernard 4*, Kobe Prentice 4*

WR2’s Emmanuel Henderson 4*, Caleb Odom 4*, Cole Adams 4*

WR3’s Ryan Williams 5*, Jaren Hamilton 4*, Bubba Hampton 4*

Wide Receiver Average 4.11

LT1 Elijah Pritchett 5*, LT2 Kayden Proctor 5*, LT3 Naquil Betrand 3*

RT1 Wilkin Formby 4*, RT2 Miles McVay 4*, RT3 Baker Hickman 9*

LG1 Tyler Booker 4*, LG2 Casey Poe 4*, LG3 William Sanders 3*

RG1 Jaeden Roberts 3*, RG2 Olaus Alinen 4*, RG3 Joseph Ionata 3*

Center1 Parker Brailsford 3*, Center2 Roq Montgomery 4*, Center3 Mac Smith 0*

Offensive Line Average: 3.27

TE1 CJ Dippre 3*, TE2 Robbie Ouzts 3*, TE3 Josh Cuevas 0*

Tight End Average: 2.00

QB1 Jalen Milroe 4*, QB2 Ty Simpson 4*, QB3 Dylan Lonergan 4*

Quarterback Average 4.00

RB1 Jam Miller 4*, RB2 Justice Hayes 4*, RB3 Richard Young 4*

Running Back Average: 4.00

WOLF1 Quandarrius Robinson 4*, WOLF2 Keanu Koht 4*, WOLF3 Qua Russaw 4*

RDE1 Jah-Merian Latham 4*, RDE2 LT Overton 5*, RDE3 Keon Keeley 5*

NT1 Tim Keenan 4*, NT2 Damon Payne 4*, NT3 James Smith 4*

DT1 Tim Smith 4*, DT2 Jahiem Oatis 4*, DT3 Hunter Osbourne 4*

Defensive Line Average: 4.17

MLB1 Deonte Lawson 4*, MLB2 Jeremiah Alexander 5*, MLB3 Sterling Dixon 4*

WLB1 Jihaad Campbell 5*, WLB2 Justin Jefferson 4*, WLB3 Justin Okoronkwo 3*

Linebacker Average: 4.17

LCB1 Zabien Brown 5*, LCB2 Jahil Hurley 4*, LCB3 Jaylen Mbakwe 5*

RCB1 Domani Jackson 5*, RCB2 Zavier Mincey 4*, RCB3 Alijah May 0*

SS1 Keon Sabb 4*, SS2 Bray Hubbard 3*, Chase Davis 0*

FS1 Malachi Moore 4*, FS2 Dre Kirkpatrick 3*, FS3 Prince Butler 0*

STAR1 DeVonta Smith 4*, STAR2 Red Morgan 4*, STAR3 Walter Sansing 0*

Secondary Average: 3.00

WR1’s Chris Hilton 4*, Kyren Lacy 2*, Aaron Anderson 5*

WR2’s CJ Daniels 2*, Zavion Thomas 3*, Kyle Parker 4*

WR3’s Shelton Sampson 4*, Landon Ibieta 4*, Kylen Billiot 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.56

LT1 Will Campbell 4*, LT2 Tyree Adams 4*, LT3 Weston Davis 4*

RT1 Emery Jones 4*, RT2 Bo Bordelon 3*, RT3 Ethan Calloway 4*

LG1 Garrett Dellinger 4*, LG2 Paul Mubenga 3*, LG3 Khayree Lee 3*

RG1 Miles Frazier 3*, RG2 Christian Stamps 0*, RG3 Ory Williams 3*

Center1 DJ Chester 4*, Center2 Coen Echols 4*, Center3 Thomas Crawford 0*

Offensive Line Average: 3.13

TE1 Mason Taylor 4*, TE2 Mac Markway 4*, TE3 Ka’Morreun Pimpton 4*

Tight End Average: 4.00

QB1 Garrett Nussmeier 4*, QB2 AJ Swann 4*, QB3 Rickie Collins 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.00

RB1 Josh Williams 2*, RB2 Kaleb Jackson 4*, RB3 John Emery 4*

Running Back Average: 3.33

JACK1 Bradyn Swinson 3*, JACK2 Da’Shawn Womack 4*, JACK3 Dylan Carpenter 3*

DE1 Sai’vion Jones 4*, DE2 Paris Shand 2*, DE3 Gabriel Reliford 4*

NT1 Jacobian Guillory 4*, NT2 Gio Paez 3*, NT3 Kimo Makane’ole 3*

DT1 Jalen Lee 4*, DT2 Shone Washington 3*, DT3 Dominick McKinley 5*

Defensive Line Average: 3.50

MLB1 Greg Penn 4*, MLB2 West Weeks 3*, MLB3 Davhon Keys 4*

WLB1 Harold Perkins 4*, WLB2 Whit Weeks 4*, WLB3 Tylen Singleton 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.83

CB1’s Ashton Stamps 3, PJ Woodland 4*

CB2’s Javien Toviano 4*, JK Johnson 4*

CB3’s Zy Alexander 2*, Jyaire Brown 4*

SS1 Sage Ryan 5*, SS2 Dashawn McBryde 4*, SS3 Austin Ausberry 4*

FS1 Jardin Gilbert 4*, FS2 Jordan Allen 3*, FS3 Joel Rogers 4*

STAR1 Major Burns 4*, STAR2 Kylin Jackson 4*, STAR3 Bernard Causey 3*

Secondary Average: 3.67

WR1’s Cam Coleman 5*, KeAndre Lambert-Smith 4*, Robert Lewis 2*

WR’s Camden Brown 4*, Caleb Burton 4*, Sam Jackson 3*

WR3’s Perry Thompson 4*, Malcolm Simmons 4*, Bryce Cain 4*

Wide Receiver Average 3.78

LT1 Percy Lewis 4*, LT2 Tyler Johnson 4*, LT3 Clay Wedin 4*

RT1 Izavion Miller 3*, RT2 Seth Wilfred 3*, RT3 Favour Edwin 3*

LG1 Dillon Wade 2*, LG2 Jaden Muskrat 2*, LG3 Dre Carter 4*

RG1 Jeremiah Wright 3*, RG2 EJ Harris 4*, RG3 Bradyn Joiner 4*

Center1 Connor Lew 3*, Center2 Tate Johnson 3*, Center3 Dylan Senda 3*

Offensive Line Average: 3.27

TE1 Rivaldo Fairweather 2*, TE2 Luke Deal 3*, TE3 Brandon Frazier 3*

Tight End Average 8/3: 2.67

QB1 Payton Thorne 3*, QB2 Holden Geriner 3*, QB3 Hank Brown 3*

Quarterback Average: 3.00

RB1 Jarquez Hunter 3*, RB2 Damari Alston 4*, RB3 Jeremiah Cobb 4*

Running Back Average: 3.67

BUCK1 Jalen McLeod 2*, BUCK2 Amaris Williams 4*, BUCK3 Jamonta Waller 4*

DE1 Keldric Faulk 5*, DE2 Zykeivous Walker 4*, DE3 TJ Lindsey 4*

NT1 Trill Carter 3*, NT2 Jayson Jones 3*, NT3 Quientrail Jamison-Travis 3*

DT1 Gage Keys 3*, DT2 Darron Reed 4*, DT3 Malik Blocton 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.5

MLB1 Austin Keys 3*, MLB2 Dorian Mausi 3*, MLB3 Robert Woodyard 4*

WLB1 Eugene Asante 3*, WLB2 Demarcus Riddick 4*, WLB3 DJ Barber 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.50

CB1’s Kayin Lee 4*, Keionte Scott 4*

CB2’s Jay Crawford 4*, Antonio Kite 4*

CB3’s Tyler Scott 4, JC Hart 3*

SS1 Jerrin Thompson 4*, SS2 Laquan Robinson 3*, SS3 Terrance Love 4*

FS1 Caleb Wooden 3*, FS2 Sylvester Smith 4*, FS3 Kaleb Harris 3*

STAR1 Champ Anthony 3*, STAR2 Kensley Louidor-Faustin 4*, STAR3 A’mon LaneGanus4*

Secondary Average 3.67

WR1’s Bru McCoy 5*, Chris Brazzell 3*, Squirrel White 3*

WR2’s Dont’e Thornton 4*, Kaleb Webb 4*, Chas Nimrod 3*

WR3’s Mike Matthews 5*, Nate Spillman 3*, Braylon Staley 4*

Wide Receiver Average 3.77

LT1 Lance Heard 5*, LT2 Larry Johnson 3*, LT3 Brian Grant 3*

RT1 John Campbell 4*, RT2 Dayne Davis 0*, RT3 Trevor Duncan 3*

LG1 Jackson Lampley 4*, LG2 Shamurad Umarov 3*, LG3 Andrej Karic 3*

RG1 Javontez Spraggins 3*, RG2 Ayden Bussell 3*, RG3 Masai Reddick 3*

Center1 Cooper Mays 4*, Center2 Vysen Lang 4, Center3 William Satterwhite 4*

Offensive Line Avg 3.27

TE1 Ethan Davis 4*, TE2 Holden Staes 4*, TE3 Miles Kitselman 3*

Tight End Average: 3.67

QB1 Nico Iamaleava 5*, QB2 Gaston Moore 0*, QB3 Jake Merklinger 4*

Quarterback Avg: 3.00

RB1 Dylan Sampson 3*, RB2 Cameron Seldon 4*, RB3 DeSean Bishop 3*

Running Back Average: 3.33

LEO1 James Pearce 4*, LEO2 Joshua Josephs 3*, LEO3 Caleb Herring 4*

RDE1 Dominic Bailey 4*, RDE2 Tyre West 4*, RDE3 Jayson Jenkins 3*

NT1 Omari Thomas 4*, NT2 Elijah Simmons 3*, NT3 Daevin Hobbs 4*

DT1 Bryson Eason 4*, DT2 Omarr Norman-Lott 4*, DT3 Jaxson Moi 3*

Defensive Line Average: 4.0

MLB1 Keenan Pili 3*, MLB2 Jeremiah Telander 3*, MLB3 Edwin Spillman 4*

WLB1 Arion Carter 4*, WLB2 Kalib Perry 3*, WLB3 Jalen Smith 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.5

CB1’s Jermod McCoy 2*, Rickey Gibson 4*

CB2’s Jalen McMurray 2*, Jordan Matthews 4*

CB3’s Marcus Goree 3*, Kaleb Beasley 4*

SS1 Andre Turrentine 4*, SS2 John Slaughter 3*, SS3 Edrees Farooq 4*

FS1 Jakobe Thomas 0*, FS2 Will Brooks 0*, FS3 Christian Charles 3*

STAR1 Jourdan Thomas 3*, STAR2 Boo Carter 4*, STAR3 Christian Harrison 3*

Secondary Average: 2.87

WR1’s Andrel Anthony 3*, Nic Anderson 3*, Deion Burks 3*

WR2’s Jalil Farooq 4*, Jayden Gibson 4*, Jaquaize Pettaway 4*

WR3’s JJ Hester 3*, Brenan Thompson 4*, Zion Kearney 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.56

LT1 Jacob Sexton 4*, LT2 Michael Tarquin 4*, LT3 Logan Howland 4*

RT1 Jake Taylor 4*, RT2 Spencer Brown 4*, RT3 Isaiah Autry-Dent 3* 5.7

LG1 Geirean Hatchett 4*, LG2 Heath Ozaeta 3*, LG3 Daniel Akinkunmi 3*

RG1 Febechi Nwaiwu 0*, RG2 Eugene Brooks 4*, RG3 Gunnar Allen 0*

Center1 Branson Hickman 3* Center2 Joshua Bates 4, Center3 Troy Everett 3*

Offensive Line Average: 3.13

TE1 Jake Roberts 3*, TE2 Bauer Sharp 0*, TE3 Davon Mitchell 4*

Tight End Average: 2.33

QB1 Jackson Arnold 5*, QB2 Casey Thompson 4*, QB3 Michael Hawkins 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.33

RB1 Gavin Sawchuk 4*, RB2 Kalib Hicks 3*, RB3 Sam Franklin 0*

Running Back: 2.33

LDE1 Trace Ford 3*, LDE2 Mason Thomas 3*, LDE3 Caiden Woullard 2*

RDE1 Ethan Downs 3*, RDE2 Adepoju Adebawore 5*, RDE3 Taylor Wein 4*

NT1 Da’Jon Terry 2*, NT2 Jayden Jackson 4*, NT3 Davon Sears 2*

DT1 Damonic Williams 3*, DT2 Gracen Halton 4*, DT3 David Stone 5*

Defensive Line Average 3.33

WLB1 Kip Lewis 4*, WLB2 Lewis Carter 4*, WLB3 Jaren Kanak 4*

MLB1 Danny Stutsman 3*, MLB2 Kobie McKinzie 4*, MLB3 Phil Picciotti 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.83

CB1’s Gentry Williams 4*, Woodi Washington 4*

CB2’s Kani Walker 3*, Dez Malone 2*

CB3’s Jacobe Johnson 4*, Makari Vickers 4*

SS1 Billy Bowman 4*, SS2 Peyton Bowen 5*, SS3 Erik McCarty 3*

FS1 Robert Spears-Jennings4*, FS2 Jaydan Hardy 4*, FS3 Michael Boganowski 4*

CHEET1 Kendel Dolby 3*, CHEET2 Dasan McCullough 4*, CHEET3 Samuel Omosigho 4*

Secondary Average3.73

WR1’s Jahdae Walker 0*, Noah Thomas 4*, Moose Muhammad 4*

WR2’s Jacob Bostik 3*, Cyrus Allen 3*, Micah Tease 4*

WR3’s Wesley Watson 3*, Izaiah Williams 4*, Ernest Campbell 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.22

LT1 Trey Zuhn 4*, LT2 Dametrious Crownover 3*, LT3 Colton Thomasson 4*

RT1 Reuben Fatheree 4*, RT2 Aki Ogunbiyi 4*, RT3 Ashton Funk 4*

LG1 Ar’Maj Reed-Adams 2*, LG2 TJ Shanahan 4*, LG3 Blake Ivy 4*

RG1 Chase Bisontis 4*, RG2 Kam Dewberry 4*, RG3 Hunter Erb 3*

Center1 Mark Nabou 3*, Center2 Kolinu’u Faaiu 3*, Center3 William Huntsinger 0*

Offensive Line Average: 3.33

TE1 Donovan Green 4*, TE2 Shane Calhoun 3*, TE3 Tre Watson 2*

Tight End Average: 3.00

QB1 Conner Weigman 4*, QB2 Jaylen Henderson 3*, QB3 Marcel Reed 4*

Quarterback Average: 3.67

RB1 Le’Veon Moss 4*, RB2 Amari Daniels 4*, RB3 Rueben Owens 4*

Running Back Average: 4.00

DE1 Nic Scourton 4*, DE2 Shemar Stewart 5*, DE3 Rylan Kennedy 3*

EDGE1 Cashius Howell 2*, EDGE2 Malick Sylla 4*, EDGE3 Enai White 4*

NT1 Albert Regis 3*, NT2 Gabriel BrownlowDindy4*, NT3 Samu Taumanupepe 3*

DT1 Shemar Turner 4*, DT2 DJ Hicks 5*, DT3 Rodas Johnson 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.75

MLB1 Taurean York 3*, MLB2 Tristan Jernigan 3*, MLB3 Martrell Harris 4*

WLB1 Solomon DeShields 3*, WLB2 Daymion Sanford 4*, WLB3 Scooby Williams 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.50

CB1’s Tyreek Chappell 3*, BJ Mayes 0*

CB2’s Will Lee 3*, Dezz Ricks 5*

CB3’s Jayvon Thomas 4*, Bravion Rogers 4*

SS1 Trey Jones 2*, SS2 Marcus Ratcliffe 3*, SS3 Myles Davis 4*

FS1 Dalton Brooks 4*, FS2 Jarred Kerr 3*, FS3 Jordan Pride 4*

NICKEL1 Bryce Anderson 4*, NICKEL2 Jaydon Hill 3*, NICKEL3 Donovan Saunders 0*

Avg 7/3 = 2.33

Secondary Average 3.07

WR1’s Chimere Dike 3*, WR1 Elijah Badger 4*, WR1 Eugene Wilson 4*

WR2’s Kahleil Jackson 0*, Marcus Burke 4*, Taylor Spierto 0*

WR3’s Aidan Mizell 4*, Ja’Quavion Fraziars 4*, Tank Hawkins 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.00

LT1 Austin Barber 3*, LT2 Devon Manuel 3*, LT3 Mark Pitts 2*

RT1 Brandon Dickson 2*, RT2 Kamryn Waites 0*, RT3 Caden Jones 4*

LG1 Knijeah Harris 3*, LG2 Christian Williams 3*, LG3 Noel Portnjagin 3*

RG1 Damieon George 3*, RG2 Bryce Lovett 4*, RG3 Fletcher Westphal 3*

Center1 Jake Slaughter 3*, Center2 Roderick Kearney 4*, Center3 Riley Simonds 3*

Offensive Line Average 2.87

TE1 Arlis Boardingham 3*, TE2 Hayden Hansen 2*, TE3 Tony Livingston 4*

Tight End Average: 3.00

QB1 Graham Mertz 4*, QB2 DJ Lagway 5*, QB3 Clay Millen 3*

Quarterback Average: 4.00

RB1 Montrell Johnson 3*, RB2 Treyaun Webb 4*, RB3 Jaden Baugh 4*

Running Back Average: 3.67

JACK1 Justus Boone 3*, JACK2 TJ Searcy 4*, JACK3 George Gumbs 2*

DE1 Tyreak Sapp 4*, DE2 Kamran James 3*, DE3 Kelby Collins 4*

NT1 Cam Jackson 3*, NT2 Desmond Watson 4*, NT3 Jamari Lyons 3*

DT1 Caleb Banks 3*, DT2 Joey Slackman 0*, DT3 D’Antre Robinson 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.08

MLB1 Shemar James 5*, MLB2 Derek Wingo 5*, MLB3 Myles Graham 5*

WLB1 Grayson Howard 3*, WLB2 Jaden Robinson 4*, WLB3 Jack Pyburn 4*

Linebacker Avg: 4.33

CB1’s Devin Moore 4*, Jason Marshall 4*

CB2’s Dijon Johnson 4*, Ja’Keem Jackson 4*

CB3’s Teddy Foster 3*, Cormani McClain 5*

SS1 Asa Turner 4*, SS2 DJ Douglas 0*, SS3 Bryce Thornton 4*

FS1 Jordan Castell 4*, FS2 Trikweze Bridges 4*, FS3 Gregory Smith 4*

STAR1 Sharif Denson 4*, STAR2 Aaron Gates 4*, STAR3 Josiah Davis 3*

Secondary Average 3.67

WR1’s Dane Key 4*, Barion Brown 4*, Anthony Brown-Stephens4*

WR2’s Fred Farrier 2*, Ja’Mori Maclin 3*, Brandon White 3*

WR3’s Santos Alvarez 0*, David Washington 3*, Hardley Gilmore 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.00

LT1 Marques Cox 3*, LT2 Ben Christman 4*, LT3 Hayes Johnson 3*

RT1 Gerald Mincey 3*, RT2 Courtland Ford 3*, RT3 Malachi Wood 3*

LG1 Dylan Ray 0*, LG2 Paul Rodriguez 3*, LG3 Marc Nave 3*

RG1 Jager Burton 4*, RG2 Jalen Farmer 3*, RG3 Austin Ramsey 3*

Center1 Eli Cox 3*, Center2 Koby Keenum 4*, Center3 Aba Selm 3*

Offensive Line Average 3.00

TE1 Josh Kattus 3*, TE2 Jordan Dingle 3*, TE3 Khamari Anderson 4*

Tight End Average: 3.33

QB1 Brock Vandagriff 5*, QB2 Beau Allen 4*, QB3 Cutter Boley 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.33

RB1 Demie SumoKarngbaye3*, RB2 Jamarion Wilcox 4*, RB3 DeaMonte Trayanun 4*

Running Back Average: 3.67

DE1 Tre’vonn Rybka 4*, DE2 Kahlil Saunders 3*, DE3 Brian Robinson 4*

NT1 Josaih Hayes 4*, NT2 Keeshawn Silver 4*, NT3 Tavion Gadson 3*

DT1 Deone Walker 4*, DT2 Octavious Oxendine 4*, DT3 Darrion Henry-Young 3*

Defensive Line Average: 3.67

OLB1 JJ Weaver 4*, OLB2 Tyreese Fearbry 4*, OLB3 Jerod Smith 4*

MLB1 D’Eryk Jackson 3*, MLB2 Noah Matthews 3*, MLB3 Steven Soles 3*

WLB1 JamonDumasJohnson4*, WLB2 Daveren Rayner 2*, WLB3 Jayvant Brown 4*

CB1’s Jonquis Hardaway 3*, Maxwell Hairston 3*

CB2’s Jantzen Dunn 4*, Nasir Addison 3*

CB3’s Jiquavious Marshall 3*, Avery Stuart 4*

SS1 Zion Childress 3*, SS2 Kristian Story 4*, SS3 Terhyon Nichols 4*

FS1 Jordan Lovett 3*, FS2 Ty Bryant 3*, FS3 Quay’Sheed Scott 3*

STAR1 Alex Afari 4*, STAR2 Grant Godfrey 4*, STAR3 Jackson Schulz 0*

Secondary Average 3.20

WR1’s Theo Weese 5*, Mookie Cooper 4*, Luther Burden 5*

WR2’s Marquis Johnson 3*, Joshua Manning 4*, Mekhi Miller 3*

WR3’s Logan Muckey 0*, Derek Brandt 0*, Daniel Blood 3*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.00

LT1 Marcus Bryant 2*, LT2 Brandon Solis 3*, LT3 Henry McDermott 0*

RT1 Armand Membou 3*, RT2 Mitchell Walters 3*, RT3 Ryan Jostes 3*

LG1 Cayden Green 4*, LG2 Logan Reichart 4*, LG3 Jayven Richardson 3*

RG1 Cam’Ron Johnson 3*, RG2 Tristan Wilson 3*, RG3 Curtis Peagler 3*

Center1 Connor Tollison 3*, Center2 Drake Heismeyer 3*, Center3 Talan Chandler 3*

Offensive Line Average 2.87

TE1 Brett Norfleet 4*, TE2 Tyler Stephens 2*, TE3 Jordon Harris 3*

Tight End Average: 3.00

QB1 Brady Cook 3*, QB2 Drew Pyne 4*, QB3 Aidan Glover 3*

Quarterback Average: 3.33

RB1 Marcus Carroll 2*, RB2 Nate Noel 3*, RB3 Jamal Roberts 3*

Running Back Average: 2.67

LDE1 Johnny Walker 3*, LDE2 Joe Moore 4*, LDE3 Williams Nwaneri 5*

RDE1 Zion Young 3*, RDE2 Darris Smith 4*, RDE3 Jahkai Lang 3*

DT1’S Kristian Williams 3*, Chris McClellan 4*

DT2’s Sterling Webb 2*, Eddie Kelly 3*

DT3’s Sam Williams 3*, Marquis Gracial 4*

Defensive Line Average: 3.42

MLB1 Chuck Hicks 2*, MLB2 Corey Flagg 3*, MLB3 Brian Huff 3*

WLB1 Triston Newson 3*, WLB2 Jeremiah Beasley 4*, WLB3 Brayshawn Littlejohn 3*

Linebacker Average: 3.00

CB1’s Toriano Pride 4*, CB1 Dreyden Norwood 3*

CB2’s Shamar McNeil 3*, Marcus Clarke 3*

CB3’s Nicholas Deloach 3*, Ja’Marion Wayne 3*

SS1 Marvin Burks 4*, SS2 Phillip Roche 3*, SS3 Isaac Thompson 4*

FS1 Joseph Charleston 4*, FS2 Tre’Vez Johnson 3*, FS3 Trajen Greco 3*

STAR1 Daylan Carnell 4*, STAR2 Sidney Williams 3*, STAR3 Cameron Keys 3*

Secondary Average 3.33

WR1’s Jordan Mosley 3*, Kelly Akharaiyi 2*, Kevin Coleman 4*

WR2’s Jaden Walley 3*, Antonio Harmon 4*, Creed Whittemore 3*

WR3’s JJ Harrell 4*, Braylon Burnside 4*, Mario Craver 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.44

LT1 Makylan Pounders 3*, LT2 Karsten Upchurch 3*, LT3 Amari Smith 4*

RT1 Leon Bell 3*, RT2 Albert Reese 3*, RT3 Malik Ellis 3*

LG1 Jacoby Jackson 3*, LG2 Jakson LaHue 3*, LG3 Wesley Davis 0*

RG1 Marlon Martinez 3*, RG2 Grant Jackson 3*, RG3 Jimothy Lewis 4*

Center1 Ethan Miner 2*, Center2 Canon Boone 3*, Center3 Bailey Henderson 0*

Offensive Line Average: 2.67

TE1 Justin Ball 2*, TE2 Cameron Ball 3*, TE3 Nick Lauderdale 0*

Tight End Average: 1.67

QB1 Blake Shapen 3*, QB2 Chris Parson 3*, QB3 Michael Van Buren 4*

Quarterback Average: 3.33

RB1 Jeffery Pittman 3*, RB2 Keyvone Lee 4*, RB3 Johnnie Daniels 3*

Running Back Average: 3.33

DE1 De’Monte Russell 3*, DE2 Deonte Anderson 3*, DE3 Joseph Head 3*

NT1 Sulaiman Kpaka 3*, NT2 Eric Taylor 3*, NT3 Kalvin Dinkins 3*

DT1 Kedrick Bingley-Jones 4*, DT2 Ashun Shepphard 3*, DT3 Trevion Williams 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.22

WLB1 Ty Cooper 3*, WLB2 Donterry Russell 3*, WLB3 Javae Gilmore 4*

MLB1 Stone Blanton 3*, MLB2 Branden Jennings 3*, MLB3 Marcus Ross 3*

SLB1 JP Purvis 3*, SLB2 John Lewis 4*, SLB TB Hinton 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.33

CB1’s Brice Pollock 3*, Brylan Lanier 3*

CB2’s Traveon Wright 3*, Khamauri Rogers 4*

CB3’s Kelley Jones 3*, Elijah Cannon 3*

SS1 Corey Ellington 3*, SS2 Jordan Morant 4*, SS3 Cyrus Reyes 3*

FS1 Hunter Washington 4*, FS2 Tyler Woodard 3*, FS3 Kobi Albert 4*

DOG1 Chris Keys 3*, DOG2 Isaac Smith 4*, DOG3 Raydarious Jones 3*

Secondary Average 3.33

WR1’s Tre Harris 2*, Antwane Wells 0*, Jordan Watkins 3*

WR2’s Deion Smith 4*, Ayden Williams 4*, Cayden Lee 4*

WR3’s Devin Price 3*, Zamari Bruce 0*, Jordan Smart 0*

Wide Receiver Average: 2.22

LT1 Diego Pounds 3*, LT2 Jayden Williams 3*, LT3 Cam East 3*

RT1 Micah Pettus 3*, RT2 Jeremy James 3*, RT3 Jude Foster 3*

LG1 Nate Kalepo 4*, LG2 Brycen Sanders 4*, LG3 Preston Cushman 3*

RG1 Julius Buelow 4*, RG2 Gerquan Scott 2*, RG3 Ethan Fields 3*

Center1 Caleb Warren 3*, Center2 Reece McIntyre 3*, Center3 Eli Acker 3*

Offensive Line Average: 3.13

TE1 Caden Prieskorn 0*, TE2 Dae’Quan Wright 3* TE3 Hudson Wolfe 4*

Tight End Average: 2.33

QB1 Jaxson Dart 4*, QB2 Walker Howard 5*, QB3 Austin Simmons 4*

Quarterback Average: 4.33

RB1 Ulysses Bentley 3*, RB2 Henry Parish 4*, RB3 Rashad Amos 3*

Running Back Average: 3.33

BUCK1 Princely Umanmielen 4*, BUCK2 Chamberlain Campbell 3*, BUCK3 DeeJay Holmes 3*

DE1 Jared Ivey 3*, DE2 Chris Hardie 0*, DE3 Kam Franklin 5*

NT1 Walter Nolen 5*, NT2 Zxavian Harris 4*, NT3 William Echoles 4*

DT1 JJ Pegues 4*, DT2 Akelo Stone 3*, DT3 Jamarious Brown 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.50

MLB1 Chris Paul 3*, MLB2 TJ Dudley 4*, MLB3 Raymond Collins 4*

WLB1 Suntarine Perkins 5*, WLB2 Khari Coleman 3*, WLB3 Tyler Banks 3*

Linebacker Average: 3.67

CB1’s Trey Amos 2*, Isaiah Hamilton 0*

CB2’s Richard O’Bryant 0*, Chris Graves 4*

CB3’s AJ Brown 4*, CB3 Cedrick Beavers 4*

SS1 Trey Washington 3*, SS2 Key Lawrence 4*, SS3 Anthony Robinson 3*

FS1 John Saunders 2*, FS2 Yam Banks 2*, FS3 Andy Jaffe 4*

Nickel1 Brandon Turnage 4*, Nickel2 Louis Moore 0*, Nickel3 Jadon Canady 3*

Secondary Average 2.60

WR1’s Nyck Harbor 5*, Ahmari Huggins-Bruce3*, Jared Brown 3*

WR2’s Gage Larvadain 0*, Elijah Caldwell 3*, Luke Doty 4*

WR3’s Payton Mangrum 2*, Tyshawn Russell 3*, Mazeo Bennett 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 3.00

LT1 Tree Babalade 4*, LT2 Kam Pringle 4*, LT3 Josiah Thompson 4*

RT1 Cason Henry 3*, RT2 Aaryn Parks 4*, RT3 Jatavius Shivers 3*

LG1 Jakai Moore 3*, LG2 Markee Anderson 4*, LG3 Mac Walters 0*

RG1 Trovon Baugh 3*, RG2 Kamaar Bell 3*, RG3 Chase Sweigart 2*

Center1 Vershon Lee 3*, Center2 Torricelli Simpkins 0*, Center3 Ryan Brubaker 3*

Offensive Line Average: 2.87

TE1 Joshua Simon 2*, TE2 Brady Hunt 2*, TE3 Nick Elksnis 3*

Tight End Average: 2.33

QB1 LaNorris Sellers 4*, QB2 Robby Ashford 3*, QB3 Davis Beville 4*

Quarterback Average: 3.67

RB1 Raheim Sanders 4*, RB2 Oscar Adaway 2*, RB3 Jawarn Howell 0*

Running Back Average: 2.0

DE1 Gilber Edmond 3*, DE2 Elijah Davis 3*, DE3 Jatius Geer 3*

EDGE1 Kyle Kennard 3*, EDGE2 Bryan Thomas 3*, EDGE3 Desmond Umeozulu 4*

NT1 Alex Huntley 4*, NT2 TJ Sanders 3*, NT3 Nick Barrett 3*

DT1 Tonka Hemingway 3*, DT2 DeAndre Jules 3*, DT3 Monkell Goodwine 4*

Defensive Line Average 3.25

MLB1 Debo Williams 3*, MLB2 Demetrius Knight 3*, MLB3 Mohamed Kaba 3*

WLB1 Bam Martin-Scott 4*, WLB2 Bangally Kamara 3*, WLB3 Jaron Willis 4*

Linebacker Average: 3.33

CB1’s O’Donnell Fortune 3*, Emory Floyd 4*

CB2’s Vicari Swain 3*, Judge Collier 3*

CB3’s Kelvin Hunter 3*, David Bucey 3*

SS1 Nick Emmanwori 4*, SS2 David Spaulding 3*, SS3 King-Demenian Ford 0*

FS1 DQ Smith 2*, FS2 Buddy Mack 3*, FS3 Zahbari Sandy 3*

Nickel1 Jalon Kilgore 3*, Nickel2 Gerald Kilgore 0*, Nickel3 Joseph Byrnes 0*

Secondary Average 2.47

WR1’s Tyrone Broden 2*, Andrew Armstrong 2*, Isaiah Satenga 4*

WR2’s Isaac TeSlaa 0*, Davion Dosier 4*, Jaedon Wilson 3*

WR3’s Dazmin James 0*, CJ Brown 3*, Jordan Anthony 4*

Wide Receiver Average: 2.44

LT1 Fernando Carmona 2*, LT2 E’Marion Harris 4*, LT3 Aaron Smith 0*

RT1 Keyshawn Blackstock 4*, RT2 Joe More 2*, RT3 Luke Brown 4*

LG1 Patrick Kutas 3*, LG2 Ty’Kieast Crawford 4*, LG3 Josh Street 0*

RG1 Joshua Braun 4*, RG2 Kobe Branham 3*, RG3 Brooks Edmonson 0*

Center1 Addison Nichols 4*, Center2 Amaury Wiggins 0*, Center2 Tim Dawn 3*

Offensive Line Average 2.47

TE1 Luke Hasz 4*, TE2 Var’Keys Gumms 3*, TE3 Ty Washington 3*

Tight End Average: 3.33

QB1 Taylen Green 2*, QB2 Malachi Singleton 4*, QB3 KJ Jackson 4*

Quarterback Average: 3.33

RB1 Ja’Quinden Jackson 4*, RB2 Rashod Dubinion 4*, RB3 Rodney Hill 3*

Running Back Average: 3.67

LDE1 Landon Jackson 4*, LDE2 Quincy Rhodes 3*, LDE3 Charlie Collins 4*

RDE1 Nico Davillier 4*, RDE2 Anton Juncaj 0*, RDE3 Kavion Henderson 4*

NT1 Eric Gregory 4*, NT2 Danny Saili 3*, NT3 Ian Geffard 3*

DT1 Cameron Ball 3*, DT2 Keivie Rose 2*, DT3 Kaleb James 3*

Defensive Line Average 3.08

MLB1 Xavian Sorey 4*, MLB2 Stephen Dix 4*, MLB3 Carson Dean 3*

WLB1 Brad Spence 3*, WLB2 Larry Worth 0*, WLB3 Alex Sanford 3*

Linebacker Average: 2.83

CB1’s Jaylon Braxton 4*, Kee’yon Stewart 3*

CB2’s Marquise Robinson 2*, Jaheim Singletary 5*

CB3’s Tevis Metcalf 3*, Selman Bridges 4*

SS1 Jayden Johnson 3*, SS2 Miguel Mitchell 3*, SS3 Christian Ford 3*

FS1 Hudson Clark 0*, FS2 TJ Metcalf 4*, FS3 Dylan Hasz 2*

Nickel1 Doneiko Slaughter 4*, Nickel2 Anthony Switzer 2*, Nickel3 Dallas Young 3*

Overall Secondary Avg 3.00

WR1’s Quincy Skinner 4*, Loic Fouonji 3*, Junior Sherrill 3*

WR2’s Joseph McVay 3*, Jeremiah Dillon 4*, Richie Hoskins 0*

WR3’s Tristen Brown 3*, Ezra McCallister 2*, Landon Wells 0*

Wide Receiver Average: 2.44

LT1 Gunnar Hansen 3*, LT2 Anthony Miles 3*, LT3 Charlie Clark 0*

RT1 Misael Sandoval 2*, RT2 David Siegel 3*, RT3 Duncan McDonald 0*

LG1 Grayson Morgan 3*, LG2 Kevo Wesley 3*, LG3 Cooper Starks 3*

RG1 Steven Hubbard 0*, RG2 Gage Pitchford 3*, RG3 Jake Ketschek 3*

Center1 Steven Losoya 2*, Center2 Cade McConnell 3*, Center3 Delfin Castillo 3*

Overall O-Line Avg 2.27

TE1 Eli Stowers 4*, TE2 Cole Spence 3*, TE3 Kamrean Johnson 2*

Tight End Average: 3.0

QB1 Diego Pavia 0*, QB2 Nate Johnson 3*, QB3 Blaze Berlowitz 2*

Quarterback Average: 1.67

RB1 Sedrick Alexander 3*, RB2 AJ Newberry 3*, RB3 Chase Gillespie 3*

Running Back Average: 3.00

DE1 Khordae Syndor 3*, DE2 Zaylin Wood 3*, DE3 Darren Agu 3*

RAZOR1 Miles Capers 2*, RAZOR2 Aeneas DiCosmo 3*, RAZOR3 Boubacar Diakite 3*

NT1 Yilanan Ouattara 3*, NT2 De’Marion Thomas 3*, NT3 Ted Gregoire 3*

DT1 Devin Lee 3*, DT2 Christian James 3*, DT3 Bradley Mann 3*

Defensive Line Average 2.92

MLB1 Langston Patterson 3*, MLB2 Bryan Longwell 2*, MLB3 Jamison Curtis 3*

WLB1 Prince Kollie 4*, WLB2 Bryce Cowan 3*, WLB3 Nicholas Rinaldi 0*

Linebacker Average: 2.50

CB1’s Tyson Russell 3*, Marlon Jones 0*

CB2’s Kolbey Taylor 2*, Martel Hight 3*

CB3’s Mark Davis 2*, Trudell Berry 3*

SS1 CJ Taylor 3*, SS2 Marlen Sewell 3*, SS3 Dominic Rezac 2*

FS1 De’Rickey Wright 3*, FS2 Dontae Carter 4*, FS3 Steven Sannieniola 3*

STAR1 Randon Fontenette 4*, STAR2 Jeffrey Ugochukwu 3*, STAR3 Alan Wright 3*

Secondary Average 2.73

So if you read through or at least skimmed all that, I commend you. Really, the rankings are all that is pertinent. I included the depth charts just to show my work. I can’t see those being of much interest to anyone other than your team or the other big brands. I’ll be back next week with gavel to gavel coverage of the British Open starting with a preview Tuesday.

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The Most Talented Teams in the SEC Ranked 1-16, Both By Roster and Starters (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.